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Death To Kittens!



Before you all beat me to death for animal abuse, I would like to point out a few things I noticed in an emerging trend. Have you people noticed the sigs saying "every time you give a number rating, a kitten dies"? Well they're the ones killing the kittens. Not me. I've just noticed this, and am urging fellow forum browsers to not follow this trend. Cuz then it's you killing the kittens. Not me. Instead, y'all should put something along the lines of "every time you say some form of creature dies because you did something, some form of creature dies" or some such. Basically, a petition against "every time you do *insert action here, a *insert form of bad thing here*". Yes, two blogs in one day. I'll post a Firefly rant tomorrow. Look forward to that.


Save the *insert creature here*'s!




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You do realize your recommended statement would be constantly killing them, right?

Huh... that does perpetually kill everything, huh? XP


You're a very sick man if you don't like kittens.

XD You people think I hate kittens. It's almost funny. No, I don't hate kittens, I just hate when people kill kittens with their sig. Still think I hate kittens? How could one hate This adorable face?

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How could one hate This adorable face?

You still have Brother Ninjo together?

Well, that was an old pic, but yeh, I actually still have him together XP. Strengthened his shoulders the other day. Removed a blade on his arm. Been meaning to post a revamp, but can't find anything to change ^^; I like him the way he is. Calling him "Dornakku" as of late.

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