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Darn It, Not Agian...



Well, as most of you do not know, I have a somewhat rare heart condition called supraventricular tachycardia, or SVT for short. It is "a rapid rhythm of the heart in which the origin of the electrical signal is either the atria or the AV node. These rhythms require the atria or the AV node for either initiation or maintenance." In other terms, my heart goes extremely quickly (around 250 beats per minute) every once and a while, get light headed, feel my heart beating far too hard, and get very tired. My case is an even rare-er form where the SVT attacks are trigered by physical activity. So whenever I did anything of anything of anything, my heart would... yeah, you get the idea. After a year of this happening every day in my cardio health class, I had an attack that lasted for around three hours of it, and it was really annoying. I had to go to the emergency room and have my heart stopped to it would have to start regularly again. So when they gave me a few injections of something (I was a bit preoccupied with fear of being in the ER to care) and it stopped my heart and I had actually heard the heartrate-monitor flatline. I was alive when I wasn't... It was kind of painful, it felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Well after that (around a month or two later) I had a cergery thing to try and get rid of the extra node in my heart. The preceidure had a 90% success rate. It's unfortunate that I am part of the 10 percent that it had no affect on me...


Which is where I am now. it just so happends that yesterday I had helped a family of my church move furnature into a moving van, I helped a fundraiser sell christmas trees (I helped carry the trees to the cars), and I was a waitor again for another church dessert thingie. And at the end of it all, I had another SVT attack which was really annoying, so now I have to wear a heartreat-moniter for a while to find out how they messed up with the preceidure that should have gotten rid of it...


I have typed quite a bit...


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That is sad. That must be something terrifying to live with. And to have your go "flatline"? Man, I feel for you. It's times like these where I realized how greatful I am to have a normal heart.


Get better. :)





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This is absolutely fascinating, while disturbing at the same time. I am glad to know you are okay, and I hope that someday you will get better for good. It makes me feel glad to know that I don't have any condition as dangerous as yours, and sorry that a great artist and BZPower member such as you has to live life with such a condition. I have a couple conditions that affect me at home and at school, but nothing as frightening as you. Here's hoping that you eventually get better.


- :vahi:

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You just gave me a good reason to ask for your healing all the more.


This is really kind of ironic, because I was going to ask you what actually happened, but I couldn't decide whether to ask because I thought you might not want to talk about it. Then you voluntarily post it to your own blog. Coincidence?


I'm just really hoping that this will all be fixed someday, because it's got to be hard on both you and your family. But...who knows? This could be intended to happen, and someday it may become clear why it's happened to you.


We really can't know.




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