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*smacks An Emo*



Because they're an affront to all humanity and they give pessimists and Goths (who they can be confused with) a bad name. Gothic Emo is a contradictory term. Emos just sit around wasting air and whining about their problems instead of realizing and acting on said realization that they can actually change their situations if they just shut up and do something about it.



And the glass is still half empty, but I might drink it just to antagonize you all, especially the optimists.


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They just count as depressed unless they take up a certain lifestyle that makes something out of that depression. Emo's not a lifestyle, it's a franchise marketed to the stupid.
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Your sig was too big and was making the page look strange. And Goths have numerous differences from Emos. For one thing, they actually count as people. Who said I held a grudge? I just flat out don't like Emos.
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Your sig was too big and was making the page look strange. And Goths have numerous differences from Emos. For one thing, they actually count as people. Who said I held a grudge? I just flat out don't like Emos.

1. Their is absolutely no need to insult me. I was giving my point of view, and instead of calmly saying something, you insult my LOCATION (Which is not a sig. ;) ) Sems pretty Emo-ish to me.

2. Flat out don't like them? Why? Because you think they give goths a bad name? That's a grudge, hating someone for a paticular reason.

I suppose I could be called an emo, but I wouldn't like that. I have a reason to be sad, emo's simply choose to look at the bad point of every single thing. Even Christmas, and that's just wrong.

My uncle died in Iraq

My dad doesn't call me anymore.

And a whole lot of other stuff that makes my life seem...well....horrible I suppose. But I try to ignore all of that and have a good and goofy (not in the dumb goofy way, the happy goofy way) time.


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I wasn't talking about your sig. And watch what you say. This is my little world, and I call it OpinioNation, where I'm right and you're all wrong.
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I wasn't talking about your sig.

Your sig was too big and was making the page look strange.

In the words of an owl, 'O RLY?'

Now listen, I may not understand goths exactly (Then again, I don't think anyone EXCEPT goths, see a reason for happyness when people are suffering). But I know enough to say that they hate and insult anyone who is happy alot. You know what? It's GREAT to be happy alot! It's what helps us make good friends, and helps us turn away from drugs and alchohol!


You may be stuck in a world that serves your every bidding, and whoever doesn't has to die. But in the real world, everyone else has problems of their own, and aren't going to be depressed just because you hate people who have their own way of life (In your case, emo's). I'm afraid your world can never exist. Feel free to say it does though! Because in the REAL WORLD, everyone counts. Even emo's. ;)



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I was talking to Shine about his signature before I talked to you, Pridak. I'm sorry for my flawed arguement, I must now specify: I consider there to be two sorts of Emo: Original Emo and Marketed Emo. Original would be somebody who thought over and truly supports a set of beliefs that would qualify them as Emo, and these people I have no problem with, as I have met them. Marketed are the ones I hate and have been ranting about. They are complaining about things they could change if they tried, they are whiny and inconsiderate, they did not think over their decision, rather they bought the lifestyle because they thought it was 'cool'. And I was being sarcastic about the 'OpinioNation' thing. You do have things to be sad over, for very good reasons, Pridak. You have very good, strong reasons to be anything, and I hold nothing against you or any Emo who can be thougtful, polite, not shallow, and can hold their own in a debate. And people do die. My grandmother died right after we thought she would live, people die of murder and disease and worse, people kill each other out of greed, people kill each other out of prejudice. I am depressed as well. I take medication, I see therapists, and I put up with numerous things that are stressful. I am given little respect no matter what I have tried and continue trying. I keep a friendly attitude, I am polite, I try to avoid rudeness, I help out in my community, I make friends with people and work hard in school, yet I am treated with disdain and hate. Hope is different from blind faith, which I believe too many optimists have, and pessimism is different from being a flat-out curmudgeon. I keep a skeptical eye because I do not want to deceive myself or let myself be deceived, and it does not hope to keep high hopes in check with a dose of reality, and I lace my dosages with cynicality. I mean you no ill will. I prefer to be cynical and pessimistic, and keep a harsh attitude, because I am that way. When I say that Emos (the marketed ones at least) do not count as people, I was exaggerating on my belief that they are shallow. You know those people who love to put up pink plastic flamingos on their lawn, and the people who think they're tacky and outright unstandabled? It's kinda like this, everybody has their opinion. Don't get all righteous on me, okay? You are an intelligent person who has good debate skills- You have merited much respect from me by this alone. So this whole comment is to clear up any misconceptions.
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