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Project Nuva :: Nuva Armor Perfected

ToM Dracone


You thought I had forgotten about this, didn't you. Fortunately, I haven't! I -finally- settled my design for Lewa Phantoka a few days ago and started doodling, and subsequently finally got his mask down perfectly as well, so I'm working on coloring him now. And then the next day I started to redraw Kopaka – since I've decided that I want to draw all the Nuva from now on in the style I used for star!Hahli, that involves making a new image of Kopaka and also redoing Onua, since I've changed his design since I posted him ages ago.


But while I was drawing Kopaka, I started sketching the new Nuva armor on the side, since I was bugged by the fact that the design I had for the chest armor looked too stretched and spindly, and the shoulder armor was slightly too small. I realized that instead of just enlarging and stretching the chest armor, it would look better to add another layer to it, which had the benefit of both making the piece look more natural and more fitting for the adaptive armor. And then I was toying around with ways to make the should armor to make it cover the shoulders more fully, and eventually applied the same design to it.




And I'm pretty pleased with the result. I also added another connection point to the chest armor – under each top corner is an axle hole (in the manner of the axle holes under the Stars' feet), for more flexibility in torso design. The shoulder armor pieces still attach the same way as the old version, and the other connection points on the chest armor are still the same.


Next up is Lewa Phantoka. Hopefully soon!

~ ToM


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Also, unrelated, what font is that in that pic

It's called Base 02; I found it on some random free font site.


And I am very fond of the shoulder piece.

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This question has been bugging me for a while. Are you actually planing to somehow make some sort of actual version of these pieces? Because they do look pretty neat, and all the detailed drawing had me question why you would be doing this besides the what could/should have been factor.

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