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My Thoughts On Hero Factory



I don't really care for them.


The weapons are nice, but it feels like they are too action figurey. I guess that's what sells now.

I was disappointed when Bionicle took this direction, but I kept collecting them (or at least trying to) out of some sense of dedication to the series, but now that it's over I think I'll pass on the Hero Factory sets.

That is unless some future set really knocks my socks off, but I kind of doubt that will happen.


All in all, I'm sad to finally see the Bionicle sets end, I grew up with this series and I was glat to be a part of the community based around them.



On a much less depressing note, this means I will have more money in my lego budget for castle and other system stuff, some of those Atlantis sets look really cool.




"I remember how my great-uncle Jerry would sit on the porch and whittle all day long. Once he whittled me a toy boat out of a larger toy boat I had. It was almost as good as the first one, except now it had bumpy whittle marks all over it. And no paint, because he had whittled off the paint."

~Jack Handey


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There is no one particular point here I disagree on. (Well, maybe I didn't feel it was going as downhill as you are conveying in your thoughts.)

But to the point: Don't want Hero Factory (unless there's a really good set), and more money for other LEGO themes. Yay!



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I only want a few of these sets to keep some dedication to the figures lines. That's what will bring back Bionicle, enough dedication. Bionicle Classics perhaps? Anyways, I will also have more money for other Lego themes, and Transformers too.


Epic blog name by the way. Don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you.

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