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Phantom Neo Shifters

Roa McToa


Here they are, the long awaited final run of Neo Shifters sets. These are hard to find, and if you can't find them locally, check out Amazon.com. I got lucky and found the whole set for retail price with free shipping. DO NOT OVERPAY! These sets are 11.99


Featured in this blog, are the four primary shifters. I will address Duplicon and the small sets in another entry. After that, I will do an entry about the whole line as well as the custom sets I have assembled.


I have noticed that the plastic quality is slightly more brittle on these sets. Even though they have tight fitting parts, if you assemble them at any other angle than perfectly sraight, there is a chance that the connection points will crack. I'll be contacting Mega Blocks soon for replacement parts on two of these guys. At least they send you the parts, no questions asked!


One big bummer is that there are no more light up eyes. These sets, Duplicon, and the web battlers all have a solid molded face. (will take pics in final review)


Onto the action! Click on the pictures to see a larger version.


The four shifters



All rolled up. Technically, the weapons are mounted to the sides of the ball so that it will roll, but I like to set them up like this.



and their Neos. The Neos a; have really cool melee weapons that can be stuck behind the shifters mask or in their weapon. They look really cool mounted into the masks, cause it gives them either horns or tendrils on their heads. (will show this in final review)



Romaar::Xor click the thumbnails to see full size photos.


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Warzon<>Bau (my favorite by far)


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Nifty. I wish BIONICLE sets had gotten as complex and involved. :(

Ah well. Nice purchase! I especially like the red one's color scheme and face. lol, the green one's face looks confused.

So, do the little robots get in the chest of the larger ones to control them? It looks that way...



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Ya, its a symbiotic relationship between the Neo's and Shifters, although the shifters don't necessarily need the Neo's to control them, as they are a separate entity. I know theres a video out there that explains this.

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Yeah, I now love Neo-Shifters. Simia here's got some loose joints though, probly gotta contact MB customer service. The Templars seem to have much stronger joints.


Lucky! You found them. I had to settle for the 3rd instead of 4th generation Shifters. Warzon looks great. I'd been worried that red and blue wouldn't work well but man, that's a nice color combo. Guardax is slightly less cool, but better than the ToyFair pics. Are the joints on these guys of lower quality than the previous generations?


And yeah, I have no idea what MB thought when they made the Neo Machines. The preliminary pics made it look great, more poseable and stuff. But then the final images came out and then it was just a large case of "WTH?". Kids must've found the original Shifters too scary, or Bay was about to sue MB for "ripping off his designs".

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Simia::Rix is an awesome set! I have two of him, but neither has loose joints. The set that has loose joints are the 2nd gen run. All of them are so loose they cannot stand.


These new sets have really tight joints, at least on the ones I got.


These are available on Amazon.com, I just typed in Guardax Nor, and those came up for $11.99, free shipping if you get all 4.



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Split Shifter is an excellent buy, much moreso than the Templar Battle Walker. My split shifter kit has really tight joints, as well as my Shadow::Sfear set. For second gen shifters, those are the best ones. The Hydraxx Energy base is cool, but it takes up a bit of room, and gets old pretty quick. It would be neat to find a way to attach two of them together, but I think you would have to use glue.



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Hmm, makes me kind of regret getting a Neo Machine instead of the Split Shifter.


Anyways, I got the Neo Machine Quadrock, just to see if they were as bad as I initially thought. It's actually pretty cool, in a more "robotic" way as opposed to the Shifter's "mecha" feel. The biggest flaw though was that the transformation process is essentially an alternate model. Still, cool stuff, should I post a large Neo Shifter review later?


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If you would like to, I have no problem with it.


I have the entire line in my possession, minus one small new set, and an exclusive set thats looks like the original blue and yellow shifter in a different color scheme. I plan on doing a full set line review of the shifters. But do do an entry on your neo machine. It would be interesting to get a closer look.


I even have the "Top Secret" minikit phantom Neo from one of the birthday packages. You dont see those around very often.

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I even have the "Top Secret" minikit phantom Neo from one of the birthday packages. You dont see those around very often.

Huh, never heard of that. Is it from that block party thing that MB was encouraging people to host?


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