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What Could Have Redeemed The Bohrok-kal



If they had come with actual to-scale Nuva symbols that could be put onto a Nuva Cube piece. And maybe have the Cube packed with Tahnok-Kal.


I imagine I would have bought every Kal if that were the case.


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Or, what if the cube was packaged with the Bahrag Queens, as a sortof teaser to the next line? It would have been a cool mystery.

Of course, all of that is over and done with, so...

Nice thought though! ^_^



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I actually used to think they did come with them. Was pretty let down when I realized they didn't.


Still think they had sweet shields though so they're not totally bad. :P

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I wasn't aware of BIONICLE at the time, so I had not had a choice. But now I do and am considering the Bohrak Kal instead of the normal Bohrol. Are they good?

If you have a choice, go for the original Bohrok. They have a better color mix, no silver overload, you can actually see their Krana (which find cool), and I find their shields to be more applicable.

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Or as Dimensioneer said in one of the ORIGINAL BZPowercasts, have them as level up kits for the original Bohrok, kinda like GI Joe



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