Avatar X3
Saw it again last night, spur of the moment with my fambly (all of whom had already seen it twice, 'cept for mom who only saw it once) and some friends who hadn't seen it.
I thought I would hate it this time... I mean, I'd already seen it twice... so I thought the third time I would be sick of it...
But I was wrong. Liked it even more this time. I noticed more flaws (there are many flaws in the movie, I will admit to this) but I also enjoyed the good stuff more. Sure, the story isn't unique, not by a longshot. The location is pretty basic sci fi. The aliens are still inexplicably human. Some of the acting feels weird and the main villain is so over the top he's laughable. It seems like it would be better to dig for smaller deposits of "unobtainium" elsewhere as opposed to spending loads of money on missiles and bad press and all that nonsense. There are a host of other weird bits in the movie...
But overall, I like it. A lot, actually. The effects are still dazzling, the plot and characters are better than decent... and I get shivers every time the bird things (the name escapes me now) come in swarms at the end.
Though we saw one of our friends at the theater (she wasn't one of the ones that came with us, they all loved it)... she said she almost fell asleep she was so bored.
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