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Join The Ranks Of The Skakdi Warlords And Together We Will Conquer Bz-koro!

Xeren Ozone


Join me! All you need to do is change your name(Example: Skakdi Warlord Gold) and maybe even put a link to here and make an army from the depths of BZPower!

To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789 Nuparu is currently on probation for attempting to overthrow me. He can do nothing a General can do. All he can do is what a Private can do.

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


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IC: "Well, Nektann, he's still alive, but you won't be in a while." *Teleports* I was standing behind Rokoro. "Hello, Rokoro, mutiny rules."



OOC: I am not Ro-Koro, Rokoro or Rokroro.

Its Rok, pronounced rock.


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Can I join? I know I'm a Toa, but still...

Yes, but help me usurp our current warlord. you can be my second-in-command, if you betray gold.

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IC: "Well," Said The Fallen, "Looks like they aren't there no more." as he absorbed the air in their lungs, and crushed them with it.
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(Evoro)IC: "LIKE WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ALREADY?!?!" Evoro shouted as he used soul eat on one of the generals. "Get as far away as possible!" Evoro shouted at the top of his lungs to the others. "I never hoped to have to do this..." Evoro warned. Then he did it. "VAXORIA!!!!" Evoro screamed. A bright beam of light shot out of Evoro's chest and split off, covering the whole of BZ-Koro. "EVACUATE THE CITY IMMEDIATELY! WE HAVE AN EMERGEN-" The BZ-Guard was cut-off by the Vaxoria. Most of the citizens escaped the city and into the grassy planes of the Comic Land...




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(Evoro)IC: "LIKE WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ALREADY?!?!" Evoro shouted as he used soul eat on one of the generals. "Get as far away as possible!" Evoro shouted at the top of his lungs to the others. "I never hoped to have to do this..." Evoro warned. Then he did it. "VAXORIA!!!!" Evoro screamed. A bright beam of light shot out of Evoro's chest and split off, covering the whole of BZ-Koro. "EVACUATE THE CITY IMMEDIATELY! WE HAVE AN EMERGEN-" The BZ-Guard was cut-off by the Vaxoria. Most of the citizens escaped the city and into the grassy planes of the Comic Land...




IC: O.o ... Evoro, that was OP, wanna join my army?


*Alot of stuff happens*


My army got destroyed... :'(


I stay with Evoro and says:




OOC: Is Evoro dead?

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OOC: Nuparu... YOU ARE NOT THE WARLORD!! If this "overthrowing" thing keeps up, I will go ahead and delete all comments and delete this entry, erasing all trace of this group completely. Besides, you can not even make a new group. Your not a Premier Member.

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IC: "I've got a peice of the Sentient rock!" *Chucks it at BZ-Metru* "Yes!" *BZ-Metru gets absorbed*


OOC: BZ-Metru has fallen! And I will only use "The Ambassador" here.


-The Ambassador


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IC: "grumblgrumblgrumble It was fun while it lasted.." The Fallen said, walking away in handcuffs. OOC: Like my character said, it was fun while it lasted. But, alas, the role of betrayer is not me.
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OOC: Nuparu... YOU ARE NOT THE WARLORD!! If this "overthrowing" thing keeps up, I will go ahead and delete all comments and delete this entry, erasing all trace of this group completely. Besides, you can not even make a new group. Your not a Premier Member.

warlord gold has spoken.

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IC: "Yes sir." said The Fallen cheerfully *Maybe, I can earn his trust again!* thought the hopeful The Fallen, *And, if i earn his trust, he won't call me a traitor!* "Squeed" The Fallen.
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OOC: Yes. Prove it, and you wont have any more probation.


IC: "How do i prove it?" *Hopefully doesn't give me the ACTUAL opportunity to overthrow him. I don't know what I can last!*

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OOC: No. Evoro is NOT dead. Everyone who was in the blast is. (Unless they teleported) I now only have 1 character, Dr. Madraik was killed in the blast.

IC: "...Ugh..." Evoro said as he looked around for the others. Evoro limped over to the outer walls of BZ-Koro, holding on to the rubble that was left after the Vaxoria. "...Guys?" Evoro said weakly as he neared the exit. He then saw The Fallen in handcuffs, Gold talking to him, Vonraki pacing, and Koraki helping Gold. "Guys... I need... Medical assistance..." Evoro said feebly. Evoro then collapsed in front of them...

OOC: I need medical assistance because he has a large scar over his eye, a burn in the shape of the emblem of reapers(See my sig) on his hand and a bullet wound in his chest.



EDIT: I'm extremely lonely.

EDIT2: Lonely loneliness of lonely, lonely loneliness.

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