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Red Star Studios



Red Star Studios Animators HQ


Alrighty, this is the official place for the animators to find out what they're supposed to be doing. Which, by extension, means that if you're not an animator, or at least not in this project, you don't need to post here. So don't. :)

Once we actually have some work to show, I'll make this into a topic.

DM Tahu

DM Kualus

DM Onua

Turaga Dume

DM Pohatu

Krika -Pirgah

Leech'd Takanuva -Sukura

DM Kopaka -Phantax

DM Bomonga -Eeko

Metruan template -Pirgah

Tuyet -Duo Oratar

DM Jaller -Devak

Kojol -Devak

Street where Taka lands. (This is for if someone really doesn't feel like doing a character, or gets tired of doing characters.) -Duo Oratar



So, just comment with what you'd like to work on, and we'll go from there. If you decide one of the sketches aren't any good, or too hard to model, PM me and I'll alert the concept artists.


Happy modeling!





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FINALLY. i got it. Kojol's mask. took me to karzahni and back. after trying dozens of methods, i finally managed to turn the 2D base pieces to 3D







i've been looking at the Kanohi topic.



i'd say these are possible masks for Kojol:



Mask of Adaptation

Name: Unknown

Powers: Physically alters the user to adapt to surroundings, including combat situations

Users: Unknown


Reason: he has both water and air rahi. this would be excellent for him to adapt to water or air environments


Mask of Flight

Name: Kadin (KAY-din)

Powers: Grants self-propelled flight to the user

Notes: User does not need a running start to get off the ground

Users: Toa Jovan, Toa Inika Nuparu


reason: fits with his flight rahi, allows him to travel over water and through the air.


Mask of Fusion

Name: Unknown

Powers: Allows its user to forcibly fuse any two or more beings together

Notes: User can include themselves in the fusion, or strengthen/weaken natural fusions

Users: Unknown


reason: cool mask.


Mask of Sensory Aptitude

Name: Unknown

Powers: Increases the user's senses

Users: Unknown


reason: would be cool



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wow thats really great!, especially the colouring.


Oh and DH554 - welcome to the team. I think there's some work around here somewhere, talk to Eeko (he's the group leader) if you have any problems/questions. and of course, we're all here to help. :)

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EDIT: Although I don';t think the mask's powers are for us to decide, I'd go for Mask of Adaptation...sounds fun.

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technically he would use it during the Final Battle


We'll probably avoid using his mask in the final battle then. He does have 42 other powers he can choose from. Great mask, though!

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re: modelling style, if everyone keeps posting his stuff here, others can adjust their style to make it fit more.


this way we'll get to a consensus

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Yay!! First model! Great job Devak, for the final piece, I'd make him less shiny, and a little dirty looking.



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Sorry about that Pirgah. I'm trying to find the cord that plugs my camera into the computer.


Does this mean that the animation can become its own topic now?

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I could do a little bit of 3d-modeling. What format do you prefer for 3d models? I can export to:


- .3ds

- .obj

- .vtx

- .c

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Quick Question: Since I am doing the Matoran template. Would it not be easier for me to create masks and make some of the Matoran themselves?

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I could do a little bit of 3d-modeling. What format do you prefer for 3d models? I can export to:


- .3ds

- .obj

- .vtx

- .c


We'd be glad to have you on board! .3ds would be best, if you're not using Blender.


Quick Question: Since I am doing the Matoran template. Would it not be easier for me to create masks and make some of the Matoran themselves?


Sure, it'll make it easier later on if anyone wanted a mask.


By the way, Devak, could you email me the .blend file for Kojol at Eeko@Bzpower.com? One I'm trying to get a folder with all the models, and two I want tinder how you did the head. :P



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I started the feet w/out ref pictures, their pretty rough,but i decided to post a picture that might give you an idea of what my finished model will look like:


Credit to Duo Oratar for the hands.

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^Hey that's pretty awesome, Pirgah (and Duo Oratar)! I think I might take a shot at the Great Temple and see how it works out...

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Finally..TakaNuva is nearly done...he's taken forever. I still need to get the hands off D_O, and do texturing o'course, and theres one or two other details, but yeh.. this is pretty close to the final version.

http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Sukura/DM/tk8bk.jpg - back

http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Sukura/DM/tk8ft.jpg - front


I based the torso off the concept of DM Kopaka, since mine didn't include a view of the back (note to self, ask for these in future). I did try to model that ol' Toa torso, but failed miserably, so we have this.


Oh and @ElevenGuy, why don't you try the Throne of Stone? I think that theres a wonderful concept of that somwhere.

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i fiddled with Kojol's material to make it absurdly shiny (everything to it's max). i could reduce it severly to give it a dirtier look.



i've done armatures for his arms and legs, the hands in that picture are in a pose, not their natural form.


i'll add some more armor and perhaps do a few body pieces different.



the head is the same as pirgah's, i just made the eyes and head two different objects, made the eyes transparent and light-emitting.

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lewathetoa, I think that they may be able to start to trickle through. How about say...three characters?


Oh and ElevenGuy - congratualtions on making Tahu! (or was it kopaka?) - I 'll check the movies for a good shot of the great temple, and maybe theres one on BS01.

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