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Red Star Studios



Red Star Studios Animators HQ


Alrighty, this is the official place for the animators to find out what they're supposed to be doing. Which, by extension, means that if you're not an animator, or at least not in this project, you don't need to post here. So don't. :)

Once we actually have some work to show, I'll make this into a topic.

DM Tahu

DM Kualus

DM Onua

Turaga Dume

DM Pohatu

Krika -Pirgah

Leech'd Takanuva -Sukura

DM Kopaka -Phantax

DM Bomonga -Eeko

Metruan template -Pirgah

Tuyet -Duo Oratar

DM Jaller -Devak

Kojol -Devak

Street where Taka lands. (This is for if someone really doesn't feel like doing a character, or gets tired of doing characters.) -Duo Oratar



So, just comment with what you'd like to work on, and we'll go from there. If you decide one of the sketches aren't any good, or too hard to model, PM me and I'll alert the concept artists.


Happy modeling!





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I'm on an Hp laptop (Pavillion dv9000 - since I don't know its specs), but point is it has great graphics, but not much processing power, so its not very good for baking/rendering. I'm a Windows man ina world of iMacs

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Oh, I forgot to mention this Devak, Jaller has a noble Komau, not great.


Alright, when you guys finish a model, email it to me at Eeko@bzpower.com. I'll have a folder with all of them, and then when you're animating, I can give you what you need.



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How does that have anythig to do with it being noble?


EDIT: Here is what I have so far on Bomonga. Not much, but in my defense,the mask is a little tricky.



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I'm aiming to keep things relatively low, and rely on texture mapping for the details, less we want to be rendering for months.

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That's a good idea with games, but with movies you want the highest quality possible. Which comes from the mesh.



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Could someone get me reference pictures of a bohrok/metruan foot? I need a picture of the front and the side, after that, I can model my matoran's foot and finish the model (for the most part).

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Any updates so far?

I think at this point we're all just happily modelling away, so there may not be anythign for a while yet

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And sorry about the long wait of the reference pictures, I've been soo busy lately it's annoying.

when do you think you can get them to me?


BTW, I added some hands to my matoran, what do you guys think of them, and how can I improve on them?

Matoran Front

Matoran Side

Matoran Back

Still no feet on him though :P

I separated the lower torso from the upper torso to allow for better waist articulation.

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I'll get pictures of the feet. I have a ton laying around. Anything else?




EDIT: I can't find my camera so I'll take pictures later if you still need them.

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