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Red Star Studios



Red Star Studios Animators HQ


Alrighty, this is the official place for the animators to find out what they're supposed to be doing. Which, by extension, means that if you're not an animator, or at least not in this project, you don't need to post here. So don't. :)

Once we actually have some work to show, I'll make this into a topic.

DM Tahu

DM Kualus

DM Onua

Turaga Dume

DM Pohatu

Krika -Pirgah

Leech'd Takanuva -Sukura

DM Kopaka -Phantax

DM Bomonga -Eeko

Metruan template -Pirgah

Tuyet -Duo Oratar

DM Jaller -Devak

Kojol -Devak

Street where Taka lands. (This is for if someone really doesn't feel like doing a character, or gets tired of doing characters.) -Duo Oratar



So, just comment with what you'd like to work on, and we'll go from there. If you decide one of the sketches aren't any good, or too hard to model, PM me and I'll alert the concept artists.


Happy modeling!





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I remember someone wants a Mata torso, side view.


And don't worry the feet for now; I think those pics are fine.


I'll get the Mata torso, but it'll be in an hour or two if that's all right. We're trying to fix the camera.



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Pigrah, your matoran looks stunning, although i think taht DO is doing hands, so maybe wait for his? Yours are fine, but i'm tempted to say give them three fingers instead of four, like the glatorian hands, as they look a little wide.


Also, Good News Everyone!! Thanks to arecent Loft raid, I have a number of the sets that i had no acces to, and have managed to scrouge up the parts to build the exact takanuva that I am building(bar one or two colour changes) and so this should speed up the work - no amount of pics compares to having the parts in hand. Oh, and I asked for the toa torso, but I no longer need it now, thanks.


Finally, lewathetoa/Eeko, can I make a couple of requests to the concept forum? Just spotted a couple of models that we missed is all.

Dark Hunter Darkness(Try to simplify this guy a bit for us please)

Vahki Sentry

Toa Lesovikk

The trade caravan that was transporting the mask of time

Muaka Steeds

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Pigrah, your matoran looks stunning, although i think taht DO is doing hands, so maybe wait for his? Yours are fine, but i'm tempted to say give them three fingers instead of four, like the glatorian hands, as they look a little wide.


Also, Good News Everyone!! Thanks to arecent Loft raid, I have a number of the sets that i had no acces to, and have managed to scrouge up the parts to build the exact takanuva that I am building(bar one or two colour changes) and so this should speed up the work - no amount of pics compares to having the parts in hand. Oh, and I asked for the toa torso, but I no longer need it now, thanks.


Finally, lewathetoa/Eeko, can I make a couple of requests to the concept forum? Just spotted a couple of models that we missed is all.

Dark Hunter Darkness(Try to simplify this guy a bit for us please)

Vahki Sentry

Toa Lesovikk

The trade caravan that was transporting the mask of time

Muaka Steeds


Sukura, I've already told Eeko about this, and he said we'll wait until we've got a few charries done.


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can i get some more versions of Kojol, especially more detailled versions of his body, limbs, etc? a matoran is easy. a makuta is not.



preferrably high-resolution, or at least, big drawings? preferrably mask, armor pieces, legs, arms, body, and weapon all seperate?

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i haven't even started yet, i have no idea where to start.


1: the feet. on the one picture i have to work with, i can barely see his feet.


2: the entire concept is from the front, with a few "details"


3: the mask. it looks like a what? scarecrow? i think the idea of a bird-esqur mask is cool, the "nose" bugs me


4: since i'm working with individual components, i'd like to see detailled (or at least large) pictures of the armor pieces, some chest pieces, etc.



5: i'd like to see a few more versions of kojol, preferrably from different artists

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I think that it is still a small issue as to how set-based we are, if only there was someway to make it consistant....

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Yeah, it is a problem. Just try and make it as close to the concept art as possible. If nothing else, it'll give the MU more diversity. :P



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If you need pictures of individual pieces, there's always Danska's kit, right? It would make things more uniform, if that's what you want.



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Has anything been completely finished? In particular: the street onto which Takanuva falls? Takanuva? Tahu? Kopaka? If we get those finished, we can animate the first scene which would help the composers.


Sorry if I bothering you guys. Your work is magnificent. I'm still trying to figure Blender out, so I hope to be able to help sometime soon.



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I would like to join the animation process :)

I'm fairly good at modeling, and have begun reading some tutorials on armatures and such.


Here's some work I did on the Avohkii:





Can anyone tell me how I can smooth out the models?


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I would like to join the animation process :)

I'm fairly good at modeling, and have begun reading some tutorials on armatures and such.


Here's some work I did on the Avohkii:





Can anyone tell me how I can smooth out the models?

Its kinda tall right now, and i though sakura was doing the avohkii.


BTW: I really REALLY need metruan feet reference pictures, the feet are the only thing left for me to model.

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I would like to join the animation process :)

I'm fairly good at modeling, and have begun reading some tutorials on armatures and such.


Here's some work I did on the Avohkii:





Can anyone tell me how I can smooth out the models?


To smooth out a model, you hit set smooth on the editing panel in the buttons window. Then go to add modifiers, and select subsurf, to make it look better.


@Pirgah: Sukura's doing the DM Avohkii, there two different masks.



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I would like to join the animation process :)

I'm fairly good at modeling, and have begun reading some tutorials on armatures and such.


Here's some work I did on the Avohkii:





Can anyone tell me how I can smooth out the models?

Its kinda tall right now, and i though sakura was doing the avohkii.


BTW: I really REALLY need metruan feet reference pictures, the feet are the only thing left for me to model.


I'll get you some tonight.

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I think i'm in between - set style for the most part, but one or two parts were just too complex to be created (for me atleast) so then I go for the concept art style(the DM toa are what I go off in addition to the concept I'm using atm). What i'm worried about is If we all go for different level of accuracy, the models will look odd and misplaced when next to eachother.

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