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Kendan And Premiership Return

MT Zehvor


Premier Membership is back.


And I shall begin blogging again by saying that the Kendan are back, lead by TNM. Mesonak says that they are technically both one team, but that if there was any division, he'd be on the Kendan.




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Official Toa Team Count:




Seneca (presumable inactive)



They're multiplying like rabbits! :o

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For all intents and purposes, is what I said. However, I think TNM plans to branch the team out... I dunno.


Also, I would only re-join the Kendan if I was leader, and currently I have no plans to leave the Ventorus.



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Meso, don't even try that. I've known you for long enough to have some ideas where your loyalties, if you have any at all, lie.



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The Kendan were a team lead by Mesonak after he and KTM left the Zehvor. But KTM eventually blew the team up and created the Ventorus.


Meso did say that if the Kendan were to have more than one member, he would be on their side(don't even try lying out of this one Meso, I have screens for proof)



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Yaa. I do have thoughts of taking over as Leader of the Kendan again, with or without 2 members. Just not now.


EDIT: But very, very soon.



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o. tank u- Hey, get out of there!


Sorry. Noobish crisis averted.


And I plan to renew my Zehvor membership after I catch up with Aftermath.



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Everyone knows Mesonaks TRUE loyalties lie with keeping friends. He'll change to whatever side he can get more people to stay liking him with. If he leaves the Ventrous with little to stay, he will just watch the Ventrous go away and be left alone, so he goes with the Ventrous. However, if there are many Kendan, and he does it the right timing, all the Ventrous will also side with him. KTM, who does the same thing, will say sorry about anything he did wrong that got Meso mad and rejoin. Then, eventually, Kendan 2.0 falls, and Ventrous 2.0 rises with KTM as leader, and Meso appologizes to him, and so on for all eternity. Seriously. It's true. Not lying. Nope, never lie.


And yes Sonu. It costs 0$ for the first year, 10$ the second, and 30$ each succeeding year, sent directly to "Why are you wasting your time reading this?" at 100000 Ugly Street, where Ugly lives in his Ugly House with his ugly truck


He looks like he was tied to the bumper of the ugly truck with the ugly rope and then dragged down ugly street for fifty ugly miles.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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