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I Am A Geek/nerd :( ..... :)

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Originally posted on Jan 29 2010, 03:45 PM.


Well I was reading CF blog entry about time travel, so I started typing.... and the typing some more....and some more... And it turned out to be quite long so I don't think it would be appropriate to have a suppppppppppppppppper long comment so I'm going to post what I wrote here and then link it on his blog.


I'm more a fan of the classic Star Trek time traveling (classic being The Voyage Home and First Contact as opposed to the J.J. Abrams one). I mean, how else are we gonna save the whales?


Also, Stargate: SG1 had the best time travel episodes ever (Window of Opportunity and 1969)!


I love Window of Opportunity.


"Next time I won't be so forgiving!"

"What? This is the first time."


"If we don't find a way out of this I'm going to loose it.....loose it...it means go crazy....bonsai... no longer in the possession of the fact that he's three fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!"


Types of Universes:


Well back to time travel. It all depends on what type of universe you want to use. I'm just going to make up some terms to use so forgive me if it seems a bit odd but oh well. It helps me think about stuff better.

In a "static" universe time is going on at all points in time so that if you jump from one timezone to another, you cease to exist in your previous timeline. So if you go to the point of time and space in which he time traveled, he wouldn't be there. So basically there is only one person place and so on. So if you change what time your in, you not in the other timezone. This is the kind of universe that Star Trek takes place. Heres an example of the properties of this universe. You have a time machine. But once you use it. It completely disapears from were it was created because there can only be one of an object (Unless you go into clones but thats another post :P )


In a "Continuing" universe as I'll call it, (I suck at making names lol) If time travel is in affect, the time line is always changing. If you go to the time and place in which some one is time traveling. You will see them going in the process. Its kind of hard to explain. So in this universe there are multiple copies of yourself doing different things at the different times that you exist.


Of these two types of universe there are even more types of side universes that I can think of. There is the "String" universe cause I think this is what string theory deals with. But any way. String universe deal with the idea that everything that is happens cannot change no matter if you time travel or not. This is the kind of universe that I believe the Harry Potter is in. Because in the Prisoner of Azkaban (Spelling [sorry only seen the first 3 movies once and just started the first book today actually lol]) they attempt to change what happened but in reality they actually fulfill what actually happened.


And then there is the "Tree" universe. This deals with the idea that at every possible occurance in time there is an infinate number of possible out comes. So there are in theory, infinate number of universe, every one different than the other. But it is possible to change what happens in your "Leaf" of the timeline. If you continue the tree example. If you were to take a time machine and travel to a place were a "branch meets another branch" and you change what happened this causes the universe that you reside in to no longer take that path. Hmm...As I was thinking about that I realized something. There are two more universes that fall under these. There is the universe where there are infinate universes for every possible outcome. But a second universe could be that 1 universe travels along the "Branches" making descissions as to what is happening. So there are an infinate number of options but only one path is taken by the universe. If it were some how possible to jump back to a break, you can change the direction the universe goes.


The two major types of universes, Static and continuing, can be either String and the two types of Tree. Static is the basic universe and String is a “Zoomed” in with more definite things that must be in order for it to be. The tree theories can be categorized into Continuous except for the last one, because that was kind of inbetween the two.


The types of universes I’m talking about are just universes in which time travel is actually possible and can be achieved. There could be many other types of universe I’m just writing what I can think of.


How to stop time travelers in the different universes:

Ok, now that I've told the universe maybe I can talk about how you can stop some one in each universe...Ya why not, I'm bored enough to write this much already.


In the Static universe theory. If some one time travels to another point in time, they no longer exists in the time where they are. So the only way to stop them is to destroy the time machine in what ever time zone its in. If it is destroyed that object ceases to exist. It neither exists in the time in whats made or at all the other points in time.


In the Continuing universe, if you destroy the time machine in the timeline that its moved to, you will only destroy the copy that went to the past/future. And there still exists in the time when it came from that hasn't yet gone into the future.


On the string theory universe, if something goes wrong, oh well theres no way to change what happened. It may appear to people that go into the past that they change the outcome, but since it has already happened to the people before them (Kind of like the grand father paradox)


As I was writing this I realized that there’s really two types of Time travel. Going forward and going backward. All the stuff that I've written so far deals with both of them. But I guess I'll write about that later...


Back counteracting time travel. Ok. What were we on? Ah the Tree universe. The way to counter act time travel there is to go to the point that they changed and stop them to traveling. Another way is to leap to a point that is a major point in their creating the time travel device and to stop it from being ever exist. But since it never existed you would never have to go, but since you didn’t go it was made which makes you need to do it and so on.


With the Main tree theory, the way to counter it is just change the events in the past that lead up to what you don’t want happened.


But with the last tree theory, the only way to stop an event is to go to a “leaf” or “Branch” that is before the time they went back and changed it. Going to the point that is changed and redirecting it toward the future that you want to.


As I was thinking about the Harry Potter universe, what would happen if you used a time ticker and went into the past and destroyed the same time ticker that you used to go back in time. That does create a paradox, and I think there is a way out of it thou. Hmm…Actually I think its too big and boggling for me to think about I tonight.

Time Travel, Future vs. Past:

Ok, as I mentioned earlier, there is a big difference between going to the past and changing things and then going to the future except in a few universes. In a static universe, if you go back in time it affects you however you changed the time line. But if you go into the future… Hmm…I can’t seem to wrap my head around this… Because, the question I’m asking is, what happens if your in a static universe and go into the future and change things. Does it in some way affect you? Hmm.. well if you go back to Star Trek. If you go to the future…Ok you know what I think I’ll skip that for now.


Ok, well… the continuing universe is next. Well, in the this universe if you do something in the past, it affects the future. But in the future it is possible to stop this….


Hmm… I think I’m getting a bit too tired…. Eureka!


Ok well, the in general if you are the first person to invent a time machine/ and no one has come back and fiddle with the timeline, no matter what universe you inhabit, your actions in the future will not affect you at all. This will be changed in some universes though. If you are the third/last tree universe, if some one comes from the future and changes something before you, and then you go and change something before their time using time travel in will in turn affect that person causing your universe to follow another path and one that doesn’t include what the person changed, so their actions are nulled.

Say there are two scientists. Bob, who lives in the 24th century, and Steve who lives in the 30th century. Steve wants time travel to be invented earlier so he goes to the 23rd century and plants the seeds to the unlocking of time travel. So bob in order to try out his new time machine he goes to the 29th century and kills Steve’s grandfather. Then Steve is never born, ergo, (I love that word :P ) Steve never goes back in time, and never plants the seeds. Basically it creates a grandfather paradox…Again… This is all in the third tree universe.

Another way to “time travel”: or to get the affects of it

In the second universe I just realized there is another way to get the affects of time travel with out having to go back in time. You just need to make a dimensional portal. If you can find the universe where the thing you wanted accomplished is the only thing that is different, you can go to that universe. And thus you accomplish what could be done with time travel with out having to go back in time….Only thing… I’m a little rusty on dimentional portals… :P

Any who, it is basically the same boat as the static universe in this sense.


Ok back to the other universes. As I think about it in all of the universes I’ve proposed, unless there is a second time traveler affecting the future will not affect you.


I think I’m going to try to find out what the Star Gate universe is based upon the episodes. Hmm, they seem to be in a static universe, but they have multiple dimentions as well.. Agh, I’ve already lost my train of thought from last night >.< I give up on this….


I have Never read time trap, as I know that deals with time travel so I’m not very familiar with Bionicles Time travel because all I know is how the Nuva used it to slow time. And plus a lot of the stuff in Bionicle is supernatural esk. Aka, impossible.


Types Of Universes: Just to make this more clear

Static- Every thing that has happened will always happened and it may appear to be able to change but it really is impossible.

Continuing – Well the time line is always changing, that is with time travel in the picture and there are multiple copies of everything.


String- is a type of Static universe in which everything is fixed and it is impossible to change anything.

Tree – Well, these universes deal with the idea that in every point of time where something happens there is an infinite number of possibilities.

1) Infinate number of universes for every possible outcome.

2) Infinate paths that could be taken but only one is chosen.


And if you get over 50% of this with out your brain falling out on the floor. 10 awesome points to ya, and a virtual high five.


Can you tell what I wanna do when I grow up?.....Well if you can, can you tell me cause I still don't know .... :(


Recommended Comments

tldr. Sorry. I read maybe the first sentence of each.


I don't quite see where some of your thoughts are coming from. Like, how would destroying the time machine that is in the future (because it got there when I arrived) make it non-existent in the time it was created? I would think it existed up to it's use and then just would not return. Or what about, say, returning to the moment right after you left?


I don't think finding an alternate dimension that is exactly the same as yours except for that one little detail you want changed would be very effective. Because you're leaving the unchanged world stuck with that problem, and without you. (And wouldn't there already be a you in that dimension? (Which is why in Dr. Who when they went to another universe I was wondering if they could meet another Doctor.))


IDK, it's all confusing.



I hear Primer is a crazy-confusing time travel movie. I look forward to watching that!



(If I may comment on your writing style: I think this entry really would have been better if you had reread what you had written, taken out your minor comments about the time and whatnot, and condensed thoughts into a continuous stream of connecting paragraphs that flowed.)

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Ya, I guess I should have done that. I wrote it between 1:30-2:30 so I was pretty tired.

I think I'm going to take out the side comments and print it out/post it later.


Well your question, which of the types of universe are you refering to? Do you think you could better explain the situation that your asking about? I have no idea where my ideas come from.


Well the whole different dimension just came to me as I was writing. If you were a complete;y selfish person you could use a dimension portal to change aspects of your life, but yes it would be impractical and it would still leave your old universe with the original problem, and 1 less bright mind to think about it.


hmm. I'll do some reaserch on the movie, but I doubt I'll see it cause I never see movies.

Had to merge it with post above.


Revised with a more third person point of view and I removed all the comments.


Types of Universes:


Well back to time travel. It all depends on what type of universe you want to use. I'm just going to make up some terms to use so forgive me if it seems a bit odd but oh well. It helps me think about stuff better.

In a "static" universe time is going on at all points in time so that if you jump from one timezone to another, you cease to exist in your previous timeline. So if you go to the point of time and space in which he time traveled, he wouldn't be there. So basically there is only one person place and so on. So if you change what time your in, you not in the other timezone. This is the kind of universe that Star Trek takes place. Heres an example of the properties of this universe. You have a time machine. But once you use it. It completely disapears from were it was created because there can only be one of an object


As in Star Trek, they are not able to “fix” the time line because, the time machine in the future doesn’t exist. So they can’t stop him from going to the past in the first place.


In a "Continuing" universe ,if time travel is in affect, the time line is always changing. If you go to the time and place in which some one is time traveling. You will see them going in the process. Its kind of hard to explain. So in this universe there are multiple copies of yourself doing different things at the different times that you exist.


An example of this universe is the universe in Back to the Future. As the main character has the opportunity to stop him from going in time. In other words, you can see the object disappear when they time travel.


Of these two types of universe there are even more types of side universes that I can think of. There is the "String" universe cause I think this is what string theory deals with. String universe deal with the idea that everything that is happens cannot change no matter if you time travel or not. This is the kind of universe that I believe the Harry Potter is in. Because in the Prisoner of Azkaban, they attempt to change what happened but in reality they actually fulfill what actually happened.


And then there is the "Tree" universe. This deals with the idea that at every possible point in time that some thing happens there is an infinite number of possible out comes. So there are in theory, infinite number of universe, every one different than the other. But it is possible to change what happens in your "Leaf" of the timeline. If you continue the tree example. If you were to take a time machine and travel to a place were a "branch meets another branch" and you change what happened this causes the universe that you reside in to no longer take that path. There are two more universes that fall under these. There is the universe where there are infinite universes for every possible outcome. The “Leaf” universe because there’s a “Leaf” or different universe for each possible out come. But a second universe could be that 1 universe travels along the "Branches" making decisions as to what is happening. This is the “Single Branch” universe. So there are an infinite number of options but only one path is taken by the universe. If it were some how possible to jump back to a break, you can change the direction the universe goes.


The two major types of universes, Static and Continuing, can be either String, Leaf and Single branch types of Tree. Static is the basic universe and String is a “Zoomed” in with more definite things that must be in order for it to be. The tree theories can be categorized into Continuous except for the last one, because that was kind of in-between the two.


The types of universes are just universes in which time travel is actually possible and can be achieved. There could be many other types of universe I’m just writing what I can think of as possible for time travel.


How to stop time travelers in the different universes:


Ok, now that I've told the universe maybe I can talk about how you can stop some one in each universe.


In the Static universe theory. If some one time travels to another point in time, they no longer exists in the time where they are. So the only way to stop them is to destroy the time machine in what ever time zone its in. If it is destroyed that object ceases to exist. It neither exists in the time in whats made or at all the other points in time.


In the Continuing universe, if you destroy the time machine in the timeline that its moved to, you will only destroy the copy that went to the past/future. And there still exists in the time when it came from that hasn't yet gone into the future.


On the string theory universe, if something goes wrong, oh well theres no way to change what happened. It may appear to people that go into the past that they change the outcome, but since it has already happened to the people before them (Kind of like the grand father paradox)


In the Tree universes, The way to counter act time travel there is to go to the point that they changed and stop them to traveling. Another way is to leap to a point that is a major point in their creating the time travel device and to stop it from being ever exist. But since it never existed you would never have to go, but since you didn’t go it was made which makes you need to do it and so on.


With the Main tree theory, the way to counter it is just change the events in the past that lead up to what you don’t want happened.


But with the “Single Branch” theory, the only way to stop an event is to go to a “Branch” that is before the time they went back and changed it. Going to the point that is changed and redirecting it toward the future that you want to therefore counteracting what the other time traveler did.


Time Travel, Future vs. Past:


There is a big difference between going to the past and changing things and then going to the future except in a few universes. In a static universe, if you go back in time it affects you however you changed the time line.


The question I’m asking is, what happens if your in a static universe and go into the future and change things. Does it in some way affect you? Hmm.. well if you go back to Star Trek. If you go to the future…Ok you know what I think I’ll skip that for now.


In time travel in general if you are the first person to invent a time machine/ and no one has come back and fiddle with the timeline, no matter what universe you inhabit, your actions in the future will not affect you at all. This will be changed in some universes though. If you are the third/last tree universe, if some one comes from the future and changes something before you, and then you go and change something before their time using time travel in will in turn affect that person causing your universe to follow another path and one that doesn’t include what the person changed, so their actions are nulled.


Say there are two scientists. Bob, who lives in the 24th century, and Steve who lives in the 30th century. Steve wants time travel to be invented earlier so he goes to the 23rd century and plants the seeds to the unlocking of time travel. So bob in order to try out his new time machine he goes to the 29th century and kills Steve’s grandfather. Then Steve is never born, ergo, Steve never goes back in time, and never plants the seeds. Basically it creates a grandfather paradox…Again… This is all in the third tree universe.


Another way to “time travel”: or to get the affects of it


In the second universe there is another way to get the affects of time travel with out having to go back in time. You just need to make a dimensional portal. If you can find the universe where the thing you wanted accomplished is the only thing that is different, you can go to that universe. And thus you accomplish what could be done with time travel with out having to go back in time.

It is basically the same boat as the static universe in this sense.


Ok back to the other universes. As I think about it in all of the universes I’ve proposed, unless there is a second time traveler affecting the future will not affect you.


Types Of Universes: Just to make this more clear

Static- Every thing that has happened will always happened and it may appear to be able to change but it really is impossible.

Continuing – Well the time line is always changing, that is with time travel in the picture and there are multiple copies of everything.

String- is a type of Static universe in which everything is fixed and it is impossible to change anything.

Tree – Well, these universes deal with the idea that in every point of time where something happens there is an infinite number of possibilities.

1) Infinate number of universes for every possible outcome.

2) Infinate paths that could be taken but only one is chosen.

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I didn't read anything, but I saw Primer was mentioned.




maybe I'll read everything else now. ^^;

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