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Bible Quiz Tournament

Popup2: The Camel


I'm watching the Bourne Ultimatum. I love the first one so I hope this is as good. So far its kind of confusing and if I hadn't seen the first one I would be completely lost lol.


Any way I went to a MACSA bible quizzing tournament. I did pretty well, but I didn't win a trophy. The one thing that excited me a lot was it started snowing. Although it didn't snow a lot it was still pretty nice. But it just added to the cold level. The other teams did kinda well. The other middle school team got just as far as we did, but in the novice devision. The high school team didn't do well at all :( . My team got to the semi finals but we couldn't get any farther. Its a four person team but it was really me and another person that did almost all the work. Me and her got all the questions but one and a few free questions. But it was still fun, seeing all the people I've met a few times.


After the quiz was the long and dreary car ride home we went to staples. As payment for recording all the matches, my mom got me a rubber band balls cause I loved the one the I tried out.


If you want to know more about Bible quizzing (At least I'm pretty sure I can) or if you do do it, tell me.


Now I'm really tired because I walked probably about 3 miles in total so my legs are pooped. I'm going to finish Bourne Ultimatum, clean a little then go to sleep, or read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. Well off to the movie. So far its pretty awesome.


And now I have to fix my watch because it broke. Just the ring that keeps the thing down so that it doesn't go "flabbing" I don't know how to explain it, but I have to fix my watch...


Edit: I'm convinced Duct tape and Electrical tape can fix anything ^^

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You know what they say about duct tape, it's like the Force: there's a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

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