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Bzpower: A Force Of Nature

Lazzy the Spazzy


Upon reading through the Should Kinetics Be A Toa Element? poll, I saw fifteen pages worth of members' opinions on the subject. Many of them were strong, most of them were clear-cut, and some of them took up ten pages when pasted into Microsoft Word. Almost all of them provided a new opinion on the topic, looking at it from different angles. I saw dozens of opinions I had previously never thought of or even considered before.


This is the first time during my four years at BZPower that I've been so humbled and honored. Humbled to be only one in hundreds of thousands, but honored at the same time -- honored to be part of the force of nature that is BZPower. I believe that if we set our minds to a different task, put our heads together, collaborated and contributed our skills and talents, we could make a difference in the world.


It's not often that you can say you're part of a group that can legitimately achieve this. Thank you, BZPower. Thank you, fellow members. You are awesome in every sense of the word.


Recommended Comments

IMO -- It's an extremely fun topic to read XP


But it's nice to have some actual discussion somewhere, that didn't turn into people trying to scalp one another. ^_^ (And yes, that's meant to be somewhat humorous *understands he probably did a rather poor job at that*)

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