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Booya! Mail!



So, a got my package I ordered from eBay today, containing a mixed lot of pieces, before I went to school. I dumped it out, and was alittle disappointed as pieces for some of the sets were missing. but what do you expect with a parts lot off eBay?


Anyway, I managed to fully construct the following:



-Turaga Nokama

-Turaga Onewa (yay, new set!)




These are what I got partially built:


-Pohatu (missing gears)

-Onua (missing gears and arm)

-Kopaka (missing shield)

-Tohunga Matoro (missing disk)

-Turaga Matau (missing L-shaped body pieces)

-Tohunga Nuparu (missing mask)


And these are what I could not build:


-Boxor Vehicle

-Purple Nui-Jaga




Anyway, I found gears for the Toa easy enough, same with Matau's body. Then, just now, using mostly parts in the lot, but also a few from my collection, I constructed a second imperfect Boxor. It looks almost identical, except a black bohrok "head" piece in the middle instead of an orange one, the "feet" are kinda wacko, and it has Matoro as a driver. Oh, and I took a throw arm off one of my incomplete matoros and gave it to him, so he has the same "driver" hands as Nuparu in the original boxor. Unfortunately, there is only half of the Nui-Jaga parts, so it's impossible.


So now, I have two Mataus, Nokamas, Galis, Pohatus, Kopakas, Gahloks, Lehvaks, Boxors, almost Onuas, and 3 Tohunga Matoros. It cost around $50, but personally, I think it was worth it.


Fun stuff.


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