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The Ipad




Those who know me know I've wanted a Mac for a while. I don't want to get into the OS war, because as those who know me also know, I find the whole thing a stupid waste of time arguing over preference.

But the iPad is beyond stupid. First off, it was disappointing, because I was expecting an i3/i5/i7 upgrade when Jobs called this press conference. Then I get this. But moving on to the iPad itself, as an iPod Touch owner, half the magic is the fact you can put it in your pocket. That thing is much too big to put in your pocket. Plus there's no feedback with the keys. At least on the iPod Touch/iPhone, the letter magnifies so you can see it, if I can't tell what I'm typing, it's useless, because at $500, your market is most likely people who need a semicomputer for emails and documents on-the-go, not the laptop market just barely, and not the MP3 player market because it's large. The name is stupid, but I don't think I can really get into why while remaining BZP-friendly. Finally, at $500, give me a full OS, not the stripped down OS X mobile. That's acceptable on a handheld device. Not on your answer to tablets and netbooks.


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I think I may be the only person on the planet who doesn't want to watch moves and browse the internet on a 5 inch screen.


You are not alone.


The iPad to me seems like something somebody would keep in their home, next to their bed or in the living-room, so they can answer mails without sitting at their desk and without some laptop on, well, your lap.


On the other hand the redundancy of having something like that is quite obvious, since if somebody answered emails with this and found out soething reall important is up they'd probably leave bed and sit at their desk anyway. Probably one of Jobs designers thought it'd be cool to have something like this since there is nothing like it around ( I wonder why that is...)

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While I agree with you, I fail to see how the name comes into play; I mean, it fits it. It is a pad; kinda like a palmpad. Only two times bigger than the normal palmpad.
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While I agree with you, I fail to see how the name comes into play; I mean, it fits it. It is a pad; kinda like a palmpad. Only two times bigger than the normal palmpad.

I'll tell you if you PM me.





but yeah the name is the stupidest thing ever.

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