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Woah! We just had a blackout. It wouldn't have been so unusual if it had just been one hall in my dorm, but it was the entire campus and most of the town. After a few moments of confusion as to what on earth was going on, one of my roommates and I went out in the hall and found out that there were a few emergency lights out there that had turned on (yay!). For whatever reason unknown to me, I decided to go outside and at that point and realized that the stars looked amazing.


Then I promptly ran back to my room after once the thought of "wait, all the power in the town going off could be the beginnings of the apocalypse, so I better get some shoes and grab a flashlight in case I have to start running away from/fighting zombie velociraptors or something" crossed my mind. However, it was not the beginning of the apocalypse, and the lights came back on about fifteen minutes later. It was so cool, though, especially with how clear the stars looked: even though there isn't much light pollution to begin with where my college is (since it's in the middle of nowhere), having pretty much every single light source in the town off made the sky look gorgeous. I'm still curious as to what caused a town-wide blackout, because someone hitting a power pole would have only made one part of the grid go out and not the whole town.


And, omg, I was on RPG Radio Live for a brief blip about 51 minutes into it all. I kind of totally didn't actually contribute anything to the conversation other than to ask where in the world EW was and then have it brought up that I have apparently fallen to the dark side being Darth Vader's apprentice and all, since Sith happens (though I really didn't mean to....). Once again, awesome first show, guys! I can't wait to hear what goes on in the upcoming episodes.


ALSO: Ok, if anyone remembers this painting that I did as my midterm for my beginning painting class last term, I submitted it in a student art show at one of the galleries on campus. They accepted it, so I was pretty happy that I'd be able to put down on my (nonexistent) resume that I'd had one of my pieces in an art show at one point in my life. The opening of the show was tonight, so I went over to see the other pieces that had been submitted, and I get there and notice next to my painting there's a little note that says "Honorable Mention". So I'm like "wait, what is this" and the gal that's in charge of the gallery was all "Yeah, the jury that judged all the pieces liked yours and they decided to give you an honorable mention. Oh, and you get fifty dollars because of it." I'd completely forgotten that it was going to be a juried show....but hooray! But, I'm even more confused because now I really don't know whether or not to have the focus for my focus be on painting or photography or something else....eep. Not that this is going to completely decide what I do for the rest of my life or anything.


BRICKFAIR BIONICLE MOSAIC. We need more people to commit to making pieces and to suggest more ideas for the mosaic design!


(and 180 days until BrickFair!!!)


It's going to be photography.-FN


You have no idea what it's going to be still. -FFN


Recommended Comments

I am completely jealous of all the lights going out thus causing no light pollution whatsoever.


Also, congrats with that piece of art! That's pretty cool!




It was so cool! It was kind of one of those times where I wish I'd been able to run out with my camera and try to get a few long exposure shots of it, or just lay out in the middle of the track and just stare, because seeing the stars with that lack of light pollution is really kind of rare. And thank you! :)



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