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Rant And Rave

Inferna Firesword


This is a two-part entry: the rant and the rave. Actually, make that three: a rant and two raves (or one rave and what passes for a rave in my book :P).


Rant: Last night I was poking around Biosector, since the server was lagging (<_<), and I saw something on the Lightning page:

In the Matoran Universe, Lightning is often represented with the colors blue and white.

I was like "waht?"


I mean, seriously. Blue and white? Where did that come from?


I admit my own Lightning color scheme -- yellow/gold and grey/silver -- is a bit uncreative, but it makes sense! The gold/yellow is lightning, and the grey/silver is the clouds it comes out of. Whereas the blue and white . . . *mumbles*


Rave: My brother got The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess yesterday, and we're hooked on it already. Herding goats has never been so fun, though trying to fish isn't easy . . .


Oh, and Midna is awesome. =D


Rave: Read Reign of Shadows chapter ten. And I have to say, that process with the energized proto is pretty similar to my own halflings...


My ideas have been utilized! :happydance:


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Blue and white? Now I have the color scheme of the Blue Suns stuck in my head. /MassEffectReference.


But eh, when it comes to the colors there's room for making 'em different. Like making Lightning people a solid, blinding yellow-orange that everyone hates. :P

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Uh.... lightning is blue and white.


Seriously. Ever looked outside during a lightning storm? I highly doubt you'll see a gold lightning bolt. You will see, however, a blue and white lightning bolts.

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Uh.... lightning is blue and white.


Seriously. Ever looked outside during a lightning storm? I highly doubt you'll see a gold lightning bolt. You will see, however, a blue and white lightning bolts.



I dunno where the idea of yellow electricity came from. I mean, I guess sometimes it looks yellowish...



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Maybe I've been staring at the Karda Nui Takanuva set too much, and my brain can't accept a change to my color scheme. That, or the fact gold and silver are really good conductors of electricity. :P

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