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So Like, My Shoes Got Messed Up




So in my area, we were supposed to get loots of snow over the weekend, according to Mr. Weather Man, whose parents decided to name him after his adult profession, apparently. And, we get no snow at all! But, that means the sidewalks are littered with like ten thousand different kinds of salt because people overreacted. There's the round little salt that looks like snow from far away when in huge bundles, there's crystallized salt, and there's even teal-colored salt.

The bad part is, the salt ruined my sneakers this morning. I had to walk over a whole sidewalk completely covered in white, round salt, and a lot stuck to my sneakers. They were slippery for half of the day and during gym. But then it all crumpled off so it's kinda better.

Also, this morning my pants had this unidentified dry substance on the bottom right leg, near my ankle. I was like nuuu cuz it covered a lot of area.
And then in gym it disappeared after I was sitting for a while.
My friend said it was because the wooden gym floors burned off the stuff, like how your knee burns if you fall onto the floor and sliiiide.
And I was like

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