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OK, so this week I've been going to these Uni starter course things that help you get how to pretty much survive University culture. It goes from Tuesday to Friday, and so it's halfway done now.


But on the way home, this car drove up to me and in the passenger seat is this girl I didn't recognise, but she clearly seemed to recognise me, though she never said my name. She said hi and was all what I was doing, what was I studying and whether I was going out tonight (cheap drinks night, yes?). And then we pretty much parted ways, I continued walking home and the car she was in drove off somewhere.


So yeah, I didn't really get the chance to say I had no idea who she was, but I am guessing if it is anyone I should know, it must be some girl from Grade 6 or earlier. Anyway, another bemusing moment in the life of Phy.


Back to this Uni starter thing, it's rather boring but it's really helpful. Also I've taken the oppurtunity to get my Uni ID card, look like a twerp, that's great. So I'm mostly set for Uni, just got to finalise my final pair of units and then I'll be all set for two weeks time.


This isn't really set for anytime soon.




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I'm pretty terrible at remembering people, even here. Things just get even worse when people change their names. They send me a PM and I'm like "Wha? Who're you?" :P
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