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Extremely Long Songs




You know of those songs some guys record that are at least ten minutes long? One that I am listening to right now is "And Then There Was Silence," by Blind Guardian.

What do you think of these long songs? When you listen to one for the first time, do you grumble at its length? Or do you think about how many minutes of awesome that could be?


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I have one song on my iPod with 22 minutes of nonstop piano playing.


Although it's actually a compilation of different songs, but they were all played together. :P

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I love long songs. They're just so out of the norm.


'Specially those Green Day ones: Jesus Of Suburbia and Homecoming.




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i like how y'all think 10+ minutes is long, ahahaaa

i've listened to an album that's 5 20+ minute songs


and i have dopesmoker/jerusalem by sleep

one one-hour song. <3

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