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Not Really...

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Meep! Must...get...chocolate...for...Turakii...or...get...smacked...with...Larry...plushie... :drooling:




Anyone for my ending this blog entry here and now, raise your hand!




Or don't and say you did...doesn't really matter...




I really wish I had something interesting to say.




Why am I here?




"Mom! I just got an email from a Mr. Simon Robs who says he's been diagnosed with cancer and he's gonna be dead in three months and there's no cure and if I don't forward the message to about a bazillion people he's gonna be dead in the next minute! Should I delete it?"







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Why am I here?
A better question is "Why aren't you here?"


But on with the comment...


You should probably delete the E-mail, and any from a Nigerian general; probably any with the subject "Stinky Cheese" too....

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Wait, who sent this email to me? "someloser@bzpower.com" I have no clue who that is...


*In a Strong Bad impression* DELETED!!!

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*sniff* Yes... I'm Mr. Simon Robs... I stood to close too the TV for too long, and now I've got cancer. I-I had hoped you people would be able to help me by spreading the word of my cancer, but then when I saw all this, I realized... "How the heck are random people going to help me if they just know about my cancer, and there's no cure?!"


"I'm such an wierdo!"



This is probably what Mr Simon Robs would say. >=D


Edit: For some reason a that I typed in there turned into "cool dude."

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