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Hmm, well, I'm back and it's later. Just like I said. :P


I'm kinda bored... I'm thinking about entering the S&T contest (which reminds me: I need to see when the deadline is), but I'm not really sure what to write. I'm sure stuff will come to me as I write it, but yeah... I think I'll probably be entering in the Mata Nui theme. I doubt I have much chance of winning, but feh. I still think it'd be fun. :)


My writing skillz aren't too bad if I do say so myself, although I really don't write too often. My main problem isn't the writing, but coming up with good, accurate, intricate stuff that people would actually want to read. If I could get that down, I'm sure I'd have myself an epic by now. ;) I do have one more-or-less brewing right now, though. That's happened before and hasn't resulted it anything, though, so it doesn't really mean all that much. Still, I'd like to get something out at some point.




Hey! This blog thing is actually a lot of fun. Especially now that I'm all aloooone... Pretty much all the peeps I usually talk to are really busy/on vacation, so I'm mostly by myself (I hath no life). I'm glad I have someone/something/some people to talk to. :P


But that be all for now. Arr. :pirate:






EDIT: I'm testing out having content blocks on both sides. I wanna see if there's any way to avoid comment-cutting. If it does and there's no way to avoid it, I'll take the other blocks out and just have them on one side. ;) Oh, and if you know of a way to have content blocks on both sides without chopping anything, please PM me or comment somewhere. :)

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