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Eragon Rant

Watashi Wa


Ok, so I went into this movie thinking that it was going to be the best movie I've seen all year. Boy, could I have been any more wrong...


First, what was up with the length? An hour and thirty-nine minutes. Yeah, you want to keep it short to keep everyone's attention, but the thing is, film-makers shouldn't have to keep a movie short to keep everyone's attention. The movie alone should keep everyone's attention. And I can say that if the movie were done right, it would have kept everyone's attention for up to two and a half hours, if not more, which is abotu how long it should have been to get all of the details in.


Oh, the details. I was going through the whole movie talking (err...whispering ;) ) to my friend asking him how much different things happened in the book than in the movie. For one, I'm almost positive that the Ra'zoc burned down Eragon's uncle's house, not Brom . Correct me if I'm wrong. That's the only detail change that I'll mention to keep the spoilers on a minimum. I will say that alot of things are left out, though, such as certain Twins, a werecat, and a very big crystal.


Ungh, and the final battle. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe battle was better than this battle, for crying out loud, and Eragon has freaking dragons in it.


Another thing that amazed me was the amount of little children I saw in the theatre. I know it wasn't my decision, but I would not let hardly any of those kids in there. There was definately a lot of darkness that was sure to scare kids (such as Durza and the Ra'zoc [arg, I forget how to spell that name...]). Maybe it was because this was supposed to be a "kids" film? Gimme a break. I know that -none- of those kids read the book, so how in the world could they understand the plot? I'm not saying that everyone has to read the book to get the plot, I just don't see how kids could comprehend what was going on anyway, so why try to make it seem like a kid movie? I believe that if they would have geared it towards an older audience, it would have been much better.


1) Too short, 2) missing characters, deatails, 3) changed a lot of details (or maybe I read a different book...)


The movie had huge potential, and it fell flat on its back. Yes, there were some very cool parts (the growth of Saphira, the magic, and Durza's appearance), but my, how they could have done much better.


Or maybe they are just setting it up for a bigger plot to come in the second, and eventually, the third movie? I don't know. After seeing this movie, I personally hope they get a new director and whatnot, because I doubt the second movie will live up to expectations as well.


But holy cow, I saw a preview for the single most hilarious film ever. Epic Movie.is.going.to.rock. You guys have to see the trailer.


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I'm seeing it...sometime, I forget, but I'm going out with a couple of friends for a birthday party.


I don't really think I'll enjoy the movie, but eh, I just go there for the Reeses Pieces anyway.

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Are you saying you didn't think the battle scene in Narnia was good? I thought it was decent... it could have shown more mass conflicts rather than focussing on certain characters too much, and it was slightly lacking in action, but I didn't think it was bad.



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