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Things That Have Happened Recently



I haven't posted in ages, so I thought I might as well.


My dad's put parental controls on, so I only have access to the computer 4 hours a day weekdays, 14 hours a day weekends.This is annoying, because it's the 4 hours of my day that nobody is online, that is, 6PM-8PM GMT+10


The End of Time Part 1 airs tomorrow, and I'm hoping at least SOME friends turn up to watch with us. If they don't, they should at least come for Part 2. The annoying thing is that (probably because of TV channel competition) TEoT is on at the same time as Talking about your generation, which is an awesome game show. I've seen TEoT, but nobody else has, which probably means I'm gunna have to record them both. After all, I set the timer to record for Doctor Who the day the air dates were announced. And besides, I think DT's last two episodes of Doctor Who take precedence over whatever else is on, regardless of what it is.


My portable hard drive broke this week, which is annoying, because now I only have a 1GB USB stick, which means my sister has more storage space than I do (her school gives her a 4GB stick). I'm looking to buy the LaCie CooKey, which is a 4, 8, 16, or 32 GB USB stick that is in the shape of a key.


I also want a new phone, purely because my phone is OLD now. I have a little flip-up Motorola, and pretty much everyone else has a smart phone (friends and mum have iPhones, dad has a HTC Hero). Right now I'm looking at the Nexus One/HTC Dragon, because I love Google (and even though there have been many other Android phones, the Dragon seems to be 'the' Google phone).


Also, who cares about the iPad? It looks like a picture frame! The margin on all sides is the same, that's why. I think the hypothetical G-Pad would be better, because I like Google, also because it's meant to run Chrome OS, which is an awesome OS. The iPad is just an iTouch but BIGGER. The G-Pad would be a tablet version of a notebook, not a giant version of an mp3 player.




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Hmm let's see...


Not doing homework, being on too much (if there is such a thing)


they just dont understand our generation, you know? [/emoteen]


Not 15 yet, that's 8 days, 21 hours, and 35 minutes away yet! :P

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Still, 4 hours is terrible. Sorry for not replying to the IM's, it was 5 am when you send them.

Parents and technology do not mix, whether they try to use it or shun it.

What's our time difference again? (Me being GMT-5 EST)

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Right now, 16 hours. Come april, less. Or more. One of those, by 2 hours, if you do DST, 1 if you don't.


EDIT: You can't stop time...


But you can set it back one hour! :P


American ads for DST for the win!

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