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I Need Someone Who Knows How Girls Think



My school allowed you to purchase carnations for someone, and they'd deliver them to that person. A girl who has been my friend since 5th Grade bought me one.


Someone please tell me what to do. Does she want to be my girlfriend, or was she just being nice?




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Our school does the same thing, but does yours have the different color groups thing? White, pink, and red? Generally most of us don't care about the color and just get pink or red because the white ones are wimpy heh, but it could help determine.


However most of the time, the carnation is either an actual relationship or a joke. Try to make sure who sent it because if it was her friends guised in her name, it was done to torment her/you, thus she probably likes you, but if she sent it herself, she's either very self confident or more likely likes you as just a good friend (since 5th grade stuff).


That's only my experience though.

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I thanked her, and she just smiled. So I'd assume that no one bought it as a joke. And plus, we only see each other on the bus - it's not as though we hang out together all the time.


I don't know about color groups - they might have just given them out at random - but the one I got was pink.



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