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Asking Greg: Confirming & Canonizing

Nuhrii the Metruan


Before I say anything: What made me write this is the Nocturn's island confusion in the OGD, and I felt it was my obligation as a Greg Team member, because my colleagues that do the Farshtey Feed will be among the ones suffering from the confusion created by people who don't know how to ask Greg a question properly. Don't feel offended by this blog entry, but regard it as a piece of good advice.


Okay, let's get started. These are things to consider when writing to our fellow member and BIONICLE author Greg Farshtey:


1) He is a busy man. Busy people tend to have a short memory and don't memorize every minor answer they give to some fan.

2) While authors know their books, they can't remember every word.

3) Don't blame any resulting confusions on him. Here is the guide on how to ask Greg a question.



1) If you are referring to any previous OGD posts, quote them and put them in your question. That way, he knows what you are referring to and is most likely able to remember.

2) If you are referring to books, serials or comics, it may be useful to include the line(s) you are referring to.

3) Then ask your question in a clear, well-formulated way.



1) Canonization isn't a bad thing, as it gives fans a way to contribute to story - but every good thing can be done excessively and it becomes annoying. Furthermore, it causes contradictions in story, because, as I said, Greg doesn't remember each and every single PM he answers and not every fact he canonizes. And who can blame him, considering that canonization has become a fad around here.

2) If you really, firmly believe that your canonization is going to fill a (sizable) plot hole or explain something everyone here wanted to know at some point, you will need to consider some things which I will list now (things that I considered when I canonized the Toa Mangai). Note: I am not advocating canonization, but if you guys really have to do it, then at least do it the right way.

3) Okay, given the fact you are convinced of your suggestion, think about all pros and cons - what would the story and the fandom gain from your canonization? Are there also disadvantages! Please include both pros and cons in your PM - doing that gives you credibility and shows you really thought about what you wrote, and didn't write it only to be able to put "I canonized the dirt between Reidak's teeth" into your signature! Present the pros and cons in list form, for the sake of a clear layout.

4) Before you put the pros and cons, explain the general idea. Try to do it in a short and understandable way. Granted, I wrote quite an essay about the Toa Mangai, but that was after three 24 episodes and two hours after midnight (basically, a combination of excitement and sleep deprivation). Try to stay to the point!

5) Re-read the entire PM, correct anything you find and then click the okay button.

6a.) Greg approves of your idea. That is good. If his reply (e.g. "I like that") doesn't explicitly say "This is canon", ask for confirmation with a yes/no question ("So I take it this is canon now?"). Such "Boolean questions" avoid confusion.

6b.) Greg disapproves. In most cases, just go along with it. When I suggested Toa Naho, I also suggested a Toa Huai and a Toa Tiro. They didn't make it. And in retrospect, I am not even sad about it. Simply trust Greg to have the better judgment concerning what BIONICLE canon needs.

6c.) If Greg disapproves and asks you a question in return (and not just a rhetorical one) and it becomes apparent that he is open to the idea, but wants to flesh out some details first, repeat step 3 to 5 - think again and formulate your counter-argument, then send it to Greg. Usually, the next reply will fall under the category 6a and 6b.


Okay, that was it. If I feel the need, I may post another edition of "Asking Greg", but those were the most urgent.


Feel free to comment. :D (And make use of what I wrote ;))


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I approve of this blog entry.


It's not so much the canonizing that bothers me (although some things are really stupid) it's the selfish thought that's behind them. They don't canonize things to add a layer to the story for everyone else, they want to be able to say that THEY added that layer, regardless of what it is. Which often results in dumb facts.


Edit: Alsoalso, British spelling of canonization in the first point.

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Thanks for this approval, Dorek - you may spread the word to those that need it. ^^


And I will correct that. ;)


EDIT: Bumped this entry because of another such event in the OGD.

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This is yet another great piece of advice from you, NtM.


Just one thing I can see as becoming a meme:


Don't blame any resulting confusions him.


Somewhat amusing, IMO.

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People should really read this. If you insist on adding something, at least make sure it's not completely random and out of the blue, and nonsensical at that.
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Yeah, sorry about that. :(


It's ok. :)


This is yet another great piece of advice from you, NtM.


Just one thing I can see as becoming a meme:


Don't blame any resulting confusions him.


Somewhat amusing, IMO.


Amusing, but despite the error it is true. Never forget that. :)


People should really read this. If you insist on adding something, at least make sure it's not completely random and out of the blue, and nonsensical at that.



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People should really read this. If you insist on adding something, at least make sure it's not completely random and out of the blue, and nonsensical at that.

If it's really strange and pointless, Greg wouldn't canonize it. The motives behind a suggestion doesn't change whether it's good for the canon or not, so can't we trust Greg's judgment and that it would've been accepted irregardless of who asked it, rather than bashing those who suggest things that happen to also be helpful for their personal interests?

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I'm not saying it's necessarily strange, just random. For instance, Naho having a Huna and a warhammer... where did THAT come from? Entirely out of the blue.
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I'm not saying it's necessarily strange, just random. For instance, Naho having a Huna and a warhammer... where did THAT come from? Entirely out of the blue.

I don't see it as anymore random than Alternate Teridax having a warhammer and telekinesis. Or Nui-jaja being purple. Not every single little detail needs to have a justified and deep origin to be good canon.


In the case of Naho though, a Huna would've been useful for sneaking past Dark Hunters, which is a bonus seeing as Naho didn't necessarily need to use her mask power to sneak past, meaning Greg could've decided for her to have a Mask of Growth instead.

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