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Running On Adrenaline

Soaring Strawberry



We had a party with the Demolay at an Eastern Star lady's house. We walked to the highly decorated homes on Throughbred Lane, and it is only on the pavement when you realize,
this is a carnival
It's crowded enough, and home owners sell hot chocolate and churros on the sidewalk. When we return to the hostess' house, we ate cookies and watched "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer" on TV.


Early the next morning, we volunteered at Rising Stars: a horse riding program for disabled children and adults. I first walked next to a horse with a young boy on its back. The supervisor told me how to hold the child's trembling ankle, and we were on our way. When we were done, the boy was ecstatic! Later, I got to
ride a horse bareback!
B) You could feel its body warmth and its spine moving under you.


Job's Daughters

We had our Installation on Wednesday. I'm not entirely fond of meeting Installation, but our Installing officers were busy on every Friday and Saturday in December. Nonetheless, the event was made special.



I finished Economics and the section work for Volume 1 Algebra!


Home Life

♪It's finally looking a lot like Christmas!♫ We have most of our decorations up, and I dragged out some of my music installation decorations to decorate my room. The living room has Mom's glass ornaments and victorian theme, and the family room has Dad's train lights and his Lego train underneath the tree.


Last night, we watched
on TV and today I helped Dad make biscuits. And, of course, I'm writing here.


Comments Welcome! :)


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