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2/17/10 Story Fit Exercise

Lazzy the Spazzy


2/17/10 Story Fit Exercise

For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go here.

Each week I'll post an exercise. This is the entry for the exercise of the week of February 17 - February 16.


We're into our second month now! Yay! And to celebrate, this week's exercise is to include a celebration in your story. This can be the focus of your story or a prop/background, or just a device to propel your plot. Write away!

Note: Yes, I know it's just been Valentine's Day, but I figure it would be redundant what with people already writing romance-themed stories and Tifosi 92 already hosting a romance-themed story event. If you're up to writing a second story this week, feel free to mosey on over to his blog entry and pay some respects to him for his permanent leave from BZPower while you're at it. =[


There is no word limit or any other constraints -- the only requirement is that the story contain this theme.

Once you write your story, post here with a link to it. Extra points will also be awarded to those members who review other Story Fit members' stories. This will not only give you practice with writing but also reviewing, as well as promote an exchange of ideas and styles within the BZP Writers Community. Happy writing!

Note: As of now, there is no deadline by which you must turn in your story. This is an issue that is currently being discussed: see bottommost section and respond with your opinion.


Each week we vote for the Writer of the Week, based on the popularity of the stories submitted during that week. Whoever gets the most votes wins the award. Without further ado, I present this week's Writer of the Week:

Rising Moon, for his Monologue Short Story, Soulsnare!

Below is a list of stories that have been submitted within the past week. Look over them, read through them if you want, then vote for your favorite story (send a PM with your vote to me). At the end of this week, I will count up the votes and give the Writer of the Week award [of 2/10/10 - 2/16/10] to the writer who gets the most votes.

This week is a special one. Since Akai is the only one who submitted an entry this week, I've also thrown in ~Monday~'s slightly tardy entry, the conflict-themed Fate.

Last Week's Stories

1) Vaii Daha by Akai Hana no Tenshi
2) Fate by ~Monday~

Vote away!


So, it's pretty much been decided that we'll have one task a week, but there's still one issue to discuss: whether or not to have a deadline, and if so, whether to have it one week, two weeks, or other.

So far we have one vote for a two week deadline.


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So, it's pretty much been decided that we'll have one task a week, but there's still one issue to discuss: whether or not to have a deadline, and if so, whether to have it one week, two weeks, or other.


So far we have one vote for a two week deadline.


If you're talking about my vote, well, I'm not actually sure if that's my vote. =P Basically because while that would pressure some to write more, but at the same time it is nice to be able to write about past exercises [like if you don't like the current one, you could go back to a one you haven't done]. Though that could easily be simplified by saying "You have two weeks to complete this exercise or another of your choosing that you have not already completed" which could work.


So, yeah, I guess I vote for a two-week deadline, if it's a possibility to use other exercises as well.


Mainly because I "procrastinate" when I write, and because of that whenever I enter a contest I end up not liking my entry [the exception is Elements 2, but that's not really a contest] because it's rushed. However, the more rushed stories I write I'm hoping the more I'll procrastinate less and spend more time on it before the last minute, therefore improving my skill. I can always just make a weekly deadline that I have to complete every task, so either decision is fine with me, really.


[And on that note I do plan to start taking part in the exercises soon-ish... I'm working on a Short Story/short epic at the moment, and when I finish that I hope to write a story a week for this].

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It was Rising Moon's vote, but your comments are noted. They make for some good arguments both ways so this might help people decide.


EDIT: Looking forward to this story of yours. =]

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Yeah, sorry for not entering last week's; there was a reason, though. My way of getting over writer's block is to ask a friend for story suggestions, and in this case you were the friend, and this week's task was the suggestion. :P


Oh yayz, I'm WotW! :D I may or not be able to review everyone's story this week, but I'll try to.

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Hehe, nice save Rising Moon. =P


I'm all caught up with giving points to everyone for stories and reviews. Kudos to Akai Hana no Tenshi for being especially productive with reviewing other people's stories.

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A late submission:


In Loving Memory.


Authors--One way you cure writer's block is to incoporate an event that happened to you personally into your writing. This can be hard when used in fiction, particularly extreme fiction such as fantasy or sci-fi; but if you're ever in the mood for just writing something, and you can't think of what, whip out your pencil and paper and just write about what's happeneing to you. It can be an expression of joy or rejoice, sadness or depression, anger and angst, anything you want. It's a great way to convey your emotion sand vent against the one thing that loves listening to your thoughts: a pencil and notebook.

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