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Mixed Feelings

Lady Kopaka


Well if it wasn't for a funky freeze on Mass Effect 1...I think I would be playing all night, but I guess it's for the best since I don't need to stay up late.




pcme2.jpg :wub:


Aaand I got two wonderful bookmarks by Nikira. Happyface.




But my only real-life friend is going back to Germany, I'm terribly sick with all sorts of nastiness/blood pressure has been unhealthily low, and I can't seem to find a doctor for awhile about this. I also accidently burnt my thumb trying to light candles for some meditation; lol irony. I hope I feel well enough for work tomorrow...darn that lucky streak ending. Sadface.


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I hate how the paper-ish material on the collector's edition makes fingerprints really show up. =/


But it's pretty regardless. I haven't played the game yet myself, but I've watched my bro' play some and it's GORGEOUS. Not just visually.



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Well, at least you got the collector's edition. :o


I bought the digital deluxe, because I've no space for more boxes. :[

mmm collectors edition. <3


I nearly got the DD, because interestingly it got the soundtrack, and the box version didn't. Same price too. Blah.


I hate how the paper-ish material on the collector's edition makes fingerprints really show up. =/

LOL, yeah. My brother and I were like "...we're going to have to wear gloves when using this."

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Well, at least you got the collector's edition. :o


I bought the digital deluxe, because I've no space for more boxes. :[

mmm collectors edition. <3


I nearly got the DD, because interestingly it got the soundtrack, and the box version didn't. Same price too. Blah.

Well, it's only half the soundtrack. It didn't even have the epic credits song. Had to buy that from iTunes. :[


The concept art's pretty, though. :>


I'll send the media to you somehow if your interested.

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Well, at least you got the collector's edition. :o


I bought the digital deluxe, because I've no space for more boxes. :[

mmm collectors edition. <3


I nearly got the DD, because interestingly it got the soundtrack, and the box version didn't. Same price too. Blah.

Well, it's only half the soundtrack. It didn't even have the epic credits song. Had to buy that from iTunes. :[


The concept art's pretty, though. :>


I'll send the media to you somehow if your interested.

Well I feel better now on that.


I got the wonderful concept art too, but digital version of it would be the bomb.

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