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News And Notes



Hey guys,


Just some more tidbits from the world of BIONICLE --


-- Comic #3 is finally done and releasing to the printer on Monday. It is a little behind schedule, but through no fault of Stuart's or DC's -- we had a hold-up getting them sets they needed for art reference, so it threw things behind. Overall, though, it may be the best issue we have ever done -- the writing is better, the art is gorgeous, lots of action. For those of you who have read Book 3, a lot will be familiar, but it is still neat seeing what Stuart does it.


-- Getting all set for Comic-Con. My wife is going to come out with me, though not sure how much she will be at the booth (she may just explore San Diego while I am working :) ) The con is always fun, but exhausting!


-- BIONICLE Atlas is humming along -- just about to explode a revelation about the Mana Ko you didn't see coming :) The book is going to feature maps and original art by LEGO illustrators Jeremy Brazeal, Toby Dutkiewicz, and John McCormack -- Toby is working on an illo of Karzahni (from BL #2) right now!


-- Next story meeting is tentatively set for August, hopefully in the US. With Leah back and some shifts around in personnel, it is going to take a little bit for the team to gel again. But I think we will slowly get things moving in the right direction again.


-- Everyone is anxiously waiting to see how the Toa Inika do in stores. The Piraka have been a step in the right direction; now we need the Inika to keep the momentum going into 2007. When you have been out for six years, stores can be very quick to decide the line is dead if you get a release that doesn't do well. So we need the Inika to outsell the Visorak.


-- And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?





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a few people, my close friends, mainly lego, bionicle has fallen to a second behind system. Probably because ssystem is a lot easier to stop motion film, a staplef of my life with friends.

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Well I talk to family and friends about the sets and story all the time. I'm, for this reason, constantly getting on there nerves. A while back, I finally got Takanuva, I had been wanting him for over a year. So when I did I couldn't help but go on about it a little... Well maybe more than a little, my cousin said he was hearing Takanuva's name in his sleep.




It's nice to here that everything is going well with the comic and I can't wait to get my copy of it and the third book.



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the news sounds good ^_^

new info concerning the mana ko, now isn't that the combo of the two manas?

and the inika... can't wait to get them ^_^


only with a few friends (one of which is a BZP member :P)

i actually keep all the lego stuff away from most of my friends, just one of those things that i keep to myself, mainly because other people wouldn't understand the storyline/building

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Comic #3 is finally done and releasing to the printer on Monday. It is a little behind schedule, but through no fault of Stuart's or DC's -- we had a hold-up getting them sets they needed for art reference, so it threw things behind. Overall, though, it may be the best issue we have ever done -- the writing is better, the art is gorgeous, lots of action. For those of you who have read Book 3, a lot will be familiar, but it is still neat seeing what Stuart does it.

Sounds awsome, though I will have to wait for Bzp to have comic so I can read it.


Getting all set for Comic-Con. My wife is going to come out with me, though not sure how much she will be at the booth (she may just explore San Diego while I am working ) The con is always fun, but exhausting!

Hmm, what do you exactly do in Comic-Con?


BIONICLE Atlas is humming along -- just about to explode a revelation about the Mana Ko you didn't see coming The book is going to feature maps and original art by LEGO illustrators Jeremy Brazeal, Toby Dutkiewicz, and John McCormack -- Toby is working on an illo of Karzahni (from BL #2) right now!

An illo of Karzahni?!That sounds awsome.Btw, will Krekka/Sidorak/Voporak/Gladitor's island and Visorak's island be there?


Next story meeting is tentatively set for August, hopefully in the US. With Leah back and some shifts around in personnel, it is going to take a little bit for the team to gel again. But I think we will slowly get things moving in the right direction again.

Lego allways pulls out through.


Everyone is anxiously waiting to see how the Toa Inika do in stores. The Piraka have been a step in the right direction; now we need the Inika to keep the momentum going into 2007. When you have been out for six years, stores can be very quick to decide the line is dead if you get a release that doesn't do well. So we need the Inika to outsell the Visorak.

I am sure the Inika will sell well.


And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?

Yes, I do.When my Cousin comes over, I update her on the news about Bionicle.She normally likes the female characters most, especially Hahli. I, also, try to snuggle Bionicle in a conversation, and usually they like it. I once made a person like Bionicle and that person started buying the sets. Now to make him like 2006.*cracks knuckles*


:) MN :)

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-- And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?

Well I mostly talk about Bionicle with my two nephew and maybe some other people because I don't know anyone else who is interested in it.


-The White Wizard

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I was thinking about trying to get to ComicCon this year, but it looks like I won't make it... another LEGO trip has come up, although it's not finalized yet. Plus, I'm still waffling on BrickFest, there's only so much LEGO-related travel I can justify. :)


Regarding talking about LEGO with others... for me, the more appropriate question might be, when am I not talking about LEGO with others? Except at work. But again, I'm not exactly in the demographic you're looking for ;)


- Bink

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mainly to my friend who gets all Lego but obviously,likes bioncle best.


i think the inika will do good,i'm gettin all of them the day they come out,been saving up since found out when they are coming out,can't wait!


thanks greg!

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Eh, my age peers and family members aren't exactly into Lego, let alone Bionicle. I do mention it sometimes, as my time spent here, the art and MOCs I create are all related to Bionicle: it's just part of who I am. Unfortunately, it usually doesn't spark an interest. At least no one ridicules me for it, the most I get is a raised eyebrow. :P

It looks like I'll have to get my hands on that Atlas somehow... It sounds both interesting and inspirational.

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Oh, yes, MamaToa speaks about Bionicle outside BZP all the time and all my translation work is presented to my two best friends. They're my critics and even if they're not Bionicle fans as I am, they gladly talk about Bionicle as well.


My son is excited as I am and we have quite a lot of Bionicle sets ... My dear husband willingly bares my Bionicle talking and all the work as he knows it makes me happy ...


I'm glad the story goes on and I'm thrilled as I see how many people of all ages are fans of these magnificient stories and how anxiously they discuss about the whole thing.


And you're a magnificient writer and I'm greatefull for every book you write ...


Sincerely yours!

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No, every time someone sees my artwork/writing/MOCs, they say, "Get outside of Bionicle!" If I hear that one more time...


Mana-Ko info? Now I'll need to be reading up. Y'all need to make a Makuta's Guardians Topic so I can read up!


An illo of big K? :drool: I'm buyin' that atlas for sure!


And I can garuntte you I'm buying the Inika ASAP-water first, as usual. :)



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Usually when I talk about Bionicle outside of BZPower, it's either with my brothers or to my friends when giving suggestions for birthday presents. :P If I try to talk about Bionicle with my friends, they just don't care or think I'm obsessed. One time I mentioned my trip to Legoland to one of my friends, and she gave me a weird look. :lol: I don't really mind though; after all, a 17 year old Bionicle fan is a little out of the norm in my school. ;)


I wouldn't worry about the Inika's sales, Mr. Farshtey; in my opinion, they are the best Toa in appearance since the Nuva and the best in design since the Metru. :) I'm definitely getting Matoro and Hahli, and my brothers are going to get the other four (we have a little system on how we buy sets :P). I'm impatiently anticipating the release in August, and as I have told you in my PMs, I've loved the books and can't wait to read Power Play. :D This year has really lived up to all the hype it got at the end of last year.


IPB ImageKopakaKurahkIPB Image

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Sure, I talk about Lego and Bionicle outside of Bzp. When I have time on my hands I usually set up little battle scenes out of the different themes/series for my Mom and friends. Right now in fact, I have the Battle for Metru Nui set up. With 30+ Visorak fighting Hordika. Webs are everywhere. It looks pretty sweet. Might do Harry Potter next week or Alpha Team. Decisions, decisions, desicions.

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yes i do talk about bionicle. mainly to huki beast (BZP citizen in real life) but that will soon end because he is movig schools, we will only talk seldomly.

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yes, i do talk about bionicle outside of bzp. its funny, i have 1 freind whos interested in the sets, and 1 whos interested in the story.



thanks for anwsering my pm, it helped

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No, the last one i knew was intrested until 2005 but no mmore so no. (Occasionally with my sister but that's nearly never)

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With a few of my friends, yes. With everyone else in my school I get torn to shreads. I once got my Garan stolen, stepped on, thrown over my head, and finally almost out the window. But they threw it to one of my friends and he held onto it until he got off and slipped it back to me. I had to by a new one cause it was utterly destroyed, though.



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Yes. I do talk about LEGO outside of BZP, I manly talk about where someone found this or that set, how much they paid for it. That sort of thing. Bionicle doesn't come up much in these conversations though.


As for the Inika outselling the Visorak, I'm betting they will. I'm certianly going to buy them.

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With a few of my friends, yes. With everyone else in my school I get torn to shreads. I once got my Garan stolen, stepped on, thrown over my head, and finally almost out the window. But they threw it to one of my friends and he held onto it until he got off and slipped it back to me. I had to by a new one cause it was utterly destroyed, though.




That's sad, man. :(


Anyway, I never talk about Bionicle outside of my close family (and my brother, because he's a sort of semi-fan). To talk about Bionicle would, unfortunately, ruin my social standing. So, it's just my little secret.


And I'm sure the Inika will sell well. Eventually, the spike in sales will have to fall because that's how the market work. But Bionicle is alive and healthy, hopefully for a long time to come.

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-- Comic #3 is finally done and releasing to the printer on Monday. It is a little behind schedule, but through no fault of Stuart's or DC's -- we had a hold-up getting them sets they needed for art reference, so it threw things behind. Overall, though, it may be the best issue we have ever done -- the writing is better, the art is gorgeous, lots of action. For those of you who have read Book 3, a lot will be familiar, but it is still neat seeing what Stuart does it.

Can't wait for the comic to ship out!


-- BIONICLE Atlas is humming along -- just about to explode a revelation about the Mana Ko you didn't see coming The book is going to feature maps and original art by LEGO illustrators Jeremy Brazeal, Toby Dutkiewicz, and John McCormack -- Toby is working on an illo of Karzahni (from BL #2) right now!

Can't wait to see the revelation and Toby's Karzahni! Sounds like it's going to be a great book!


-- Everyone is anxiously waiting to see how the Toa Inika do in stores. The Piraka have been a step in the right direction; now we need the Inika to keep the momentum going into 2007. When you have been out for six years, stores can be very quick to decide the line is dead if you get a release that doesn't do well. So we need the Inika to outsell the Visorak.

Well, as soon as they're released, I'm going to try and buy all six (hopefully I get them in time; I still haven't acquired a complete Visorak set, but I do have a full Piraka set).


-- And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?

Mostly just my mom and grandma. My grandpa used to do battles with me, but now he has a new job and there's no time anymore. My dad isn't really interested as much.




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I talk to my bro about bionicle alot. I also made my best friend through bionicle.


At school though I don't talk about it to anyone who dosen't want to hear= almost everyone.



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-- Comic #3 is finally done and releasing to the printer on Monday. It is a little behind schedule, but through no fault of Stuart's or DC's -- we had a hold-up getting them sets they needed for art reference, so it threw things behind. Overall, though, it may be the best issue we have ever done -- the writing is better, the art is gorgeous, lots of action. For those of you who have read Book 3, a lot will be familiar, but it is still neat seeing what Stuart does it.

Cool. :D I haven't gotten Book 3 yet, but from people have been (not) saying about it, it sounds great. :P


-- Getting all set for Comic-Con. My wife is going to come out with me, though not sure how much she will be at the booth (she may just explore San Diego while I am working smile.gif ) The con is always fun, but exhausting!

Tell her to check out the zoo, if she has the time. ;) Also, there's a really gorgeous nature center down in Chula Vista. Little-known, small, but the wetlands on the bay are very beautiful. When I lived there as a little kid, we went there several times. And when we take trips back to San Diego, we go there. :D


BIONICLE Atlas is humming along -- just about to explode a revelation about the Mana Ko you didn't see coming :) The book is going to feature maps and original art by LEGO illustrators Jeremy Brazeal, Toby Dutkiewicz, and John McCormack -- Toby is working on an illo of Karzahni (from BL #2) right now!

Oh sweet! I was worried this Atlas would be a rehash of old descriptions, but looks like it will be worth getting! :)


-- Everyone is anxiously waiting to see how the Toa Inika do in stores. The Piraka have been a step in the right direction; now we need the Inika to keep the momentum going into 2007. When you have been out for six years, stores can be very quick to decide the line is dead if you get a release that doesn't do well. So we need the Inika to outsell the Visorak.

*jots down BUY INIKA* :lookhere:


Don't worry Greg, I won't fail you. You have me word as a sailor! :pirate:


-- And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?

Not really. But then again, I live in the middle of nowhere. :P

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Well I TRY to talk about bionicle with my mom but after she seems to understand I ask if she does understand and she says not really... besides that I talk about it with some of my friends. Now Greg I have a question for you! What does your wife and your other relatives think about how you wright bionicle? And what do they think about bionicle in general?

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-- And finally, a question -- outside of BZP, do you talk about BIONICLE or LEGO building with anyone else?

Yes, I do. I talk about it with one or two of my friends who also like it. I also talk about it with my brother, since he's a fan too.



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