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Black Six


So I finally saw Up tonight. I laughed. I cried. It was an amazing movie. Highly recommended for all.


It just happens to be the only movie nominated for best picture at this year's Oscars that I've seen. But, based on what I've heard, if Avatar wins over it I'm going to lose all faith in those awards. Oh wait, that already happened in the 1994 Oscars, nevermind...


But yeah, it was an excellent movie and may make its way into my top ten favorites of all time.



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To be honest, the last time I cried at a movie was at Star Trek.

Which Star Trek - the new one? I could see in the opening scene maybe, but by far the most emotional scene in a Star Trek movie is near the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. "I have been, and always shall be, your friend..."


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Okay, lemme rephrase - I've had feelings before while watching a movie, like almost everybody - but I've never gotten too emotional, like crying. I just … don't do that. It's a movie. I might feel sad, but never at that level.


I'll have to agree with Sumiki on this movie.


I've cried at a movie before, and I loved this one - but didn't find it that sad.

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I haven't cried during a movie in years, except for one particular movie (not Up, but I came pretty darn close). Nowadays, whenever I see a really sad scene in a movie, my eyes will get real shiny and wet, but that's about it. Oh, and I feel like I have a knot in my stomach. :P


Oh, and the movie I cried in was a pretty low-budget lame-o movie called "Jack Frost" (I saw it on Family Channel). It had such a great/sad ending though...

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