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Well Now, Why Premier For A Year?

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen


Well, I'm sure you'd wonder WHY I'd ever do this. Well, I thought it would be fun! I'd get to have a blog to post comic updates, maybe have a few contests, have a whole lot of fun!


So I'll do that.


Comics: Finished the Valentines Day comic. Lot of work and I worked until a few minutes to midnight. I'll be doing an April Fools day comic, but wither or not it will be a joke shall be debatable. I'll give you a sneak peek: ADAD. Figure out what it means and you should have a pretty good idea of what will happen :lol:


The Forgery: I am working on more requests, and I'm quite glad to be helping out. The Forgery is a sprite shop created by Necro, and he is on a hiatus for the moment and he left me in charge, and so far I've managed to keep the place running. Also, if there's something The Forgery can not do, or is taking to long, try The Comic Shop, even if I've gotten a bunch of people asking for stuff because they took too long.


Oh yeah, I'm gonna need someone to teach me how to work this blog stuff. I want to make this place look cool, so if you could send me a PM or something, that would be great!


And that's all! I'll sign out like I normally do on BZP.




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