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Xeren Ozone


Me and Evo the Reaper have teamed up to make an RPG. He makes the banners, and I work it. Right now I am waiting for the RPG contest to start so I can enter "Night Falls". It all takes place on an Island named Mazran Nui, where an evil is growing know as, "The Trax", a Clut that believes that there is no peace in the world, so they attemt to make peace by creating Chaos for their Gods of Death, like sacrifices.


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So, basically, they want to... use chaos, which is generally defined as death, destruction, and anarchy to bring peace, which is... the opposite?



Good luck with that.

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They believe their gods are making the horror because their servants(the Trax) were neglecting them, so the Trax attempt to make things like Sacrifices to bring peace... But a growing Anti-Group are trying to make the war get bigger so that they can conquer.

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Dude. If you're going to make them sympathetic, then at least do it right.


I mean seriously, what kind of fridge logic leads to you thinking that chaos will lead to peace? Especially when their efforts are leading to another group that will lead to war?

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Sigh... They think their gods will make peace if they make offerings.

Agents are making a secret group to rebel and make more war instead of peace, so they can rule.

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I dunno about you, but if I had a negligent god, I don't think that blood will make him step in and make things better. And for the second...



So, basically, pulling a Lenin for giggles and stuff?

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They are gods of destuction, war and chaos. But the only people that can fight them are the leaders of Mazran Nui, the Gods of Mount Xeren. There is the highest god, Xeren who had the Mtn. named after him, the God of light and Heroes. Maxern, God of Dark and the City of Thieves. Tresnon, God of War and Battle. Pertan, God of the Jungle and the Sky. Weva, God of Rock Barrier surronding the Island. Queni, God of the Volcano in the center of the Island.


I guess... :huh:

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And people want to sacrifice to those gods?


Well, I don't see you trying to appease Maxern or Tresnon, since they're, you know, the opposite of peace. Xeren... well, why'd he want sacrifices?


As well as the others... I'd think that lumping them all into one thing - like a god of being or something, would be better, but what's their stake?


Anyways, all this talk of gods... why not just take it to CoT?

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No. These Gods want Peace, but the evil Gods of the Trax want sacrifices. Because the Trax ignored them, they are making war.


All the gods are either Brother or Sister. They had a test, like the Olympic Games, to see who would control what. Xeren was the bravest and strongest, so he was the high leader. Trenson would normally like the war, but this was war that could destroy the island. He may be an almost insane God, but he is good. He does not want to see his beautiful island crumble.


There is only one Titan God though. The highest. This is not Xeren, even higher. His name is Strenst. He controls everything that the lower Gods control, and more. They are for RPers have faith that somebody can help them in near death or things like that.


Because, it is all Bionicle.


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Wait, what's Trax again?


Alright. Deus ex machina God. Kay.


But all you have to do is change a few names, the Toa into humans, and you've got a relatively sorta okayish RPG already.

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But you just said that it was a God. Or did they just worship evil gods? Who then want to wage war for whatever reason?


He controls everything that the lower Gods control, and more. They are for RPers have faith that somebody can help them in near death or things like that.

We call that Deus ex Machina.




Here's the thing. Your RPG, as far as I know, has absolutely nothing to do with Bionicle, aside from the fact that it probably has cyborgs that shoot fire. A Bionicle RPG, generally, has something to do with the lore itself, such as the wars of the Brotherhood of Makuta, or the vicious intrigues of the Dark Hunters, or the meddlings of the Great Beings...


This, however, is not Bionicle. At the very best, it's a pocket universe that has not heard of, nor does it care of the struggles of the Toa Nuva, Metru... basically, the entire story. This is self-contained, with all of your fancy gods running around. This is you trying to pass it through the contest for whatever reason. If you change it up, replace Toa with humans, then you'd have a perfectly fine CoT RPG on your hands.

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Come to think of it, Ebenezer has a point. While it is semi-acceptable as is, the game doesn't seem very...clear. While despite a lack of formatting you essentially have a complete (albeit a tad rag-and-bones) RPG, nothing suggests any backstory connection with Bionicle. Most other entries couldn't have humans be substituted for Matoran without having some SERIOUS backstory or gameplay issues. Yours looks a tad like that could be done faster than you can say "Sonic the Hedgehog." In short...connect this to Bionicle somehow or make the game human-based.


Also: What exactly is stopping me from playing as a 1,000 foot version of the Stay Safe Madu Cabolo Matoran with the ability to hurl EXTREMELY explosive fruit across half the continent without being hurt by it in the rules? You need to point out god-modding isn't allowed.

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