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I got new books. Yay.


I spend pretty much all of my money on books. I read far too much, I listen to music far too much, I play guitar far too much, and I play RPGs far too much. And yet I still have time to eat and sleep, for the most part. Like sometimes, I'll have to combine them, and eat while I sleep. The old marshmellow joke comes to mind, but no, it was worse when I woke up with salsa on my neck. Crazy times, indeed...


Speaking of crazy times at night;


I've stayed up all night talking to people before, it's fun. Except when you try to go to sleep, and the dang sun is coming through your window. Oopsie.


Speaking of the sun;


If you had a house on the sun, how high would your AC bill be? Of course, it wouldn't matter, as there would be no electricity on the sun, which I find odd.


Speaking of stupid questions;


What's the parking situation at the Special Olympics?


Speaking of special;


I'm special. Everyone says so. :)


Speaking of everyone;


I can't decide what other people are. Are other people the key to happiness, a fun life, or are they stupid creatures to be ignored?


Speaking of stupid creatures to be ignored;


Spitty's got some funny comics. Haha, just kidding DJ Spitdaddy. :P


Speaking of DJs;


I have 2100+ music files on my computer, and I still need more music. I'm listening to the Strokes right now.


Speaking of music;


I'm waiting for two new CDs to come in the mail from Amazon.com. They're taking forever. Mail makes me sad.


Speaking of sadness;


Sad faces are always...well..sad. Smiley faces are funny. Know what else is funny? Salsa.


Speaking of salsa, that was my original thing anyway, wasn't it? Yeah. Well, I've completed my circle of unconscious odd talking, so enjoy.


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Speaking of salsa, some people call it picante sauce. There's far too many sauces is the world - apple sauce, spagetthi sauce, worcestershire sauce, tartar sauce.. I mean, come on.

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Speaking of worchestshire, I'm sure it's someplace over in the British Isles. They've got a knack for funny words.

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Speaking of funny words, what's up with "BZ"?! Did you notice it sounds like "busy"... heh.



(ZOMG, total rip-off of server message!)

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Speaking of Dennis, I just read the Sunday comics. Ah, my favorite part of the week.


Sorta sad that that's what I look forward to. XD

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Except when you try to go to sleep, and the dang sun is coming through your window. Oopsie.
I hate that. :angry:




Yeah, it's only happened a couple times.

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