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Family Issue Help



This is a really big cry for help out here. :begging:


All right, I don't want to get all personal here, especially since this is Bzpower, but I need help to actually deal with this "big" problem here.


See, recently, only one night ago, I had trouble sleeping at night. My mom really got angry and just got right to conclusions, and she said that it was because I played on the computer so much. So basically, she's wanting to get rid of the computer because she thinks it's very, very, very bad. I KNOW I didn't sleep well, and I also know for sure that it wasn't because of the computer. I tried to explain that to her, but she just won't really pay attention. She says I play too much computer, but I only turn it on for less than 45 minutes a day, and my dad added parental controls a long time ago.


She is not letting me go on the computer anymore just because of ONE TIME, ONE NIGHT AGO. She's basically :wakeup2: :drooling: all the time to my opinions, so I can't do very much about this.


Can anyone help me on this? :begging:


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Do you have a LCD monitor? Unfortunately, if you do, then it can make you not sleep well if you use it withing 2 hours before going to bed. Something to do with messing up sleep hormones.
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Do you have a LCD monitor? Unfortunately, if you do, then it can make you not sleep well if you use it withing 2 hours before going to bed. Something to do with messing up sleep hormones.


I don't believe that; I use my LCD monitor right before bed all the time, and I seldom have trouble falling asleep.

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