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What You Give...

Lazzy the Spazzy


This'll be my eighteenth entry for the month of February (two on the 17th), marking my most active month on BZP for years. I feel like I've finally re-discovered what drew me to this site in the first place.


Which is the subject of this entry. The last time I "quit" BZP was two years ago, because I got bored of the place. Not enough was happening, I felt like everything I was a part of had stagnated. BZP just wasn't fun anymore. Similar story when I came back. Still bored.


So why is it that during the past few months, BZP has suddenly become so fun for me? In retrospect it's not so hard to answer the question.


The reason why BZP has recently become so fun for me, whereas in past years it was boring, was because during these past months I was active. I participated in more discussions, I upped the level of my participation in the topics I was already involved in. I made a conscious effort to do more on this site and to talk to more members I previously didn't have the time to talk to.


An inspirational speaker for Marching Band once told us that "what you give is what you get". I've applied it to real life but this is the first time I've applied it to BZPower. I contributed more to BZP, and in return I had more fun. It's sort of like a positive feedback loop in a sense, and this doctrine can really help you in all aspects of life.


So if you're reading this, I urge you to give more. Give more to your family, give more to your friends, give more to your community. An in return you'll get more. When you're bored and you have nothing to do, instead of blaming it on someone else see what you can do to make the situation better.


Recommended Comments

For both Story Fit, and this entry [especially Story Fit; That is one of the most awesome things ever], you deserve this:





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