It's March already? Because March is an awesome month. You have Spirit Week at school, St. Patrick's Day, my birthday, spring finally coming (=D), and report cards/parent-teacher conferences. Okay, the last one might not be awesome, it depends on you.
But February was fast. Even though it was a short month. And very snowy. Too snowy for my taste.
Also yaaaay Hetalia's new season started today so that's another thing to make March awesome =D
Tomorrow I'm going to that cheap bookstore I got some manga at before afterschool, I'm hoping to score more good deals on books there.
Vampire Knight =O (1st opening theme is <3)
In my art room I got some scraps from the paper cutter that were the perfect size for bookmarks, so I'm gonna make a few. One is gonna be designated to a special someone. ;3
Randomness over, have a nice day.

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