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The New Army Entry

Xeren Ozone



To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789, Shadow Ebba

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


NOTE TO NUPARU456789: You are not on probation anymore. ;)


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OK. So, Are you going to get an actual RPG approved for the Skakdi Army? If you get one approved and make the topic, send a link. Thanks.



EDIT IN REPLY TO SHADOW EBBA: 0.o How spooky... Wait, spooky? >:D MUAHAHAHAHAHA- *cough* *cough* Dang, that always happens when I laugh evilly. >_<

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Woo! New entry! Also, am I actually in? I know I was accepted by the others in the old one, but you don't seem to have put me on the list of members...


EDIT: Evo, you literally posted 2 seconds before me!

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Aw.... Now I don't get to do the ONE THING that I liked in BZP... :( And, what mission do we HAVE anymore? Since we don't get to do anything.
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Search my blog and find the mission topic to see the missions I had.


Also Nuparu, If you wanna do an RPG with me, then vote for night falls in da contest. Got that?


P.S. I would like if atleast some of you in the army could use the campaign banners while the contest is up?

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What I mean is, what are we supposed to do? You recruit someone, whoop dee doo, that make's a difference. I mean, WHAT are we supposed to do?
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What I mean is, what are we supposed to do? You recruit someone, whoop dee doo, that make's a difference. I mean, WHAT are we supposed to do?

Get TONS of ppl to join.


I'm using a support banner.

Thanks. ;)

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Okay, but, how will they stay? I mean, with the other one, we had AN RPG! With this, a fake conspiracy theory that would take fifty miracles for B6 to even CONSIDER. In other words, how will we get people to stay?
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uh oh im alone. :(


DO NOT POST IF YOU ARE GOING TO SAY NOTHING. I am sorry that sounded bad, but it breaks BZP rules, and I saw WAY too much in our former RPG.

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