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The Driver


This year is coming to an end.

School's over and I'm smack in the middle of christmas.


Well, not at the moment. Because all I want now is to go to bed... and it's just over 8 in the evening.

And that does not have something to do with school, since I skipped the last two days.

What? Not like we're always doing something interesting the last few days of the year.


Just the standard 'let's organize something fun for the kids!' whatchamacallit.


So now the time has come for me to chill, and to get bored to heck!

I just know these two weeks of freedom will be lacking any sort of fun.


But I think I'm going off topic here...

Not that this entry has a topic...




Ah yes.


The problem with me having a blog, and especially right now, is that there is absolutely nothing happening over here.

So I have nothing to blog about, other than the compulsory Boundless entries and Brickshelf finds.


Not that I really mind, I mean, it's not like anyone actually reads this.

But that's cool with me, atleast I don't get spammed *Exocough*.


Hmm... I keep thinking I forgot something. But my cerebral cortex is too tired to remember.

I guess that comes with a full day of Counterstrike : Source.


Expect minor blog block updates:

Got permission to start my own-although-borrowed Music block.

'Long awaited' buttons will get here... I think.


And some Boundless stuff.


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