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Potential Leave



It's occured to me tonight that, as whiny and pedantic and cliche as this sounds, I've done nothing worthwhile with my life. I'm behind on my schoolwork, I spend hours telling people I don't even know things I wouldn't tell my own family, I've done nothing sigificant, I can't get my frustration out without breaking things and making things worse, there are

people who have done more than I have, could, can and probably ever will do in a fraction of the time I've been alive, because of the Internet on average I get to sleep at 6 am and wake up at 4 pm, I'm living with people who I love but can't stand and need to get some time away from but can't, with my brother shooting for a doctorate in aerospace engineering, literally one of both the hardest and most expensive subjects to major in, I'll be lucky if I get a bachelors degree from a community college, and I can't even deliver a promise I made almost a year ago for thirty freaking minutes of recorded audio.


I have no idea what I'm palnningto do with my life rift now. I'll try and stay on, but in all likelihood, if things continue how they are right now, I may be taking a short hiatus.


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Once done with that you might wanna take some R&R before you do anything else.




and don't sweat the college mang, it's all R&R with a few papers here and there

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What a coincidence, you sound almost exactly like me two years ago- here's some advice: it's all a joke, live your life haphazardly and throw most caution to the wind, you only live once- might as well make it fun.

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Dude. You're 16. Of course you haven't done anything "worthwhile" yet. That's perfectly okay. Pretty much the only people I can think of who'd do more than you have in a fraction of the time you've been alive have also had gigantic headstarts. By which I mean they're royalty, and their major accomplishment would be dying and setting about all sorts of chaos in the empire, whatever, etc.

No. Don't tell yourself that. You've got a ton of life ahead of you to accomplish things that you could never even dream of now. Besides, you have to figure out what's worthwhile for you.


Take your time. Do what you have to. Everything in moderation. Other wise sounding things. Advices. :D

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