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You Know Why I Really Love Warhammer?



I love it because of how absurd it gets and trying to explain it. Take this colorful variety of examples from last Sunday's game club.


3 of my Tau Gun Drones chased a group of Imperial Guardsmen off the map in close combat. If you're unfamiliar with Warhammer, I'll break it down further. Can you imagine how a group of 3 robots that are basically metal frisbees could somehow kill a few guys in a group of 30 or so armed men AND scare the bejeebus out of them? Neither can I, but it happened. Now try and imagine the Killer Rabbit scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That's basically what happened.


My Broadside battlesuit and my friend's Necron Heavy Destroyer, both carrying the heaviest weapons in their arsenals, get in a point blank range shootout that lasts the whole game with neither hitting eachother. Once.


This one guy's Tyranid Carnifex somehow blows itself up with it's own gun.


The same guy's Hive Trygon -Think HR Giger's Alien with no legs except the size of Godzilla- never once enters the battle and dies.



And none of these compare to the legendary Tau With A Powerfist miracle. But that's another story. The most ridiculous story in the history of Warhammer.


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Necrons: Uncaring killing machines that are not mad or barbaric, but simply the manifestation of death itself.


Tau: A young race attempting to stop as much of the seemingly unstoppable warring as possible but are pushed to use powerful force more often then not at the hands of the violent and the stubborn.


Space Marines: Basically Spartan astronauts who fight to honor and preserve the legacy of their father, the Emperor.


Chaos Space Marines: Basically the result of one Space Marine chapter going emo and finidng themselves new, more generic evil gods. (They were humans that were genetically enhanced with the Emperor's flesh, AKA the Gene Seed.)


Imperial Guard: The legions of human armies that fight to preserve the vast Imperium of Man *which worships the Emperor, and I will go more into that later* - they're very militaryish in the sense most people imagine with tanks and vast infantry battalions.


Orkz: Green brutes who fight just for the sheer ###### it- they're very simplistic , but the often comical approach people take to them has made them one of the more loved races in the game.


Eldar: A dying race of what are basically space elves *suprise suprise* who have long gone past their time- they're the Necron's rivals and prefer stealth, trickey and magic type stuff to win the day for their own goals that usually all serve to further their own survival.


Dark Eldar: Take a bunch of Eldar and make them wake up on the wrong side of the bed and you basically have a bunch of psychotic elves who raid armies for prisoners that they can torture for the lols back in their own dark dimension.




from you trying to explain it to me like, ages ago

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Pretty much, yes. Except I retract my clearly biased look on the Chaos Marines, seeing as I am now the proud owner of a Chaos Army.

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Hey, uh, what's the average price for a starter WH40K set, anyway? And so ya know anywhere in MAryland that sells 'em? Been tryin to find a place for a little while now.
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Hey, uh, what's the average price for a starter WH40K set, anyway? And so ya know anywhere in MAryland that sells 'em? Been tryin to find a place for a little while now.


Ohoho, now we're talking real horroshow.


Warhammer has some pretty horrific pricing, just a friendly warning. If you're going to get into it, expect it to cost you.


As for locations and such, why don't you chuck me a PM? I figure I could really ramble on about this and I don't feel like spamming up the comments.

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Ah, I love me some Warhammer 40k. I don't know if I have time to get into anything else that'd require me to pay a bunch of money and get a new set of friends and give me yet another fictional setting to obsess over, but ah, whenever I hear of it, it always amuses me. It's got a special place in my heart. And this is pretty much exactly why.

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I love that game.

It's a shame that I'm flat broke and haven't been able to get a decent sized army in ages.

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