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Oh No I'm An Enemy Of The State

MT Zehvor


I wonder if they just come back to life every time you kill them.


(You have to look at the right part of the page and scroll down a ways to see it)


Apparently, the Vahki are back once again(<.<) under the leader of "Noob," formerly known as Krana Kongu. And yes, he stole my blog picture.


I shall deal with this annoyance eventually...perhaps through the use of cream pies.




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The annoying comedians bit, which is flaming, and the unpermitted use of your blog symbol are just two unnalowed things, and that's just in a 20-second search of the page. You could probably get a moderator to make them permanently end the vahki. The word vahki is now only a harmless-seeming cover-up for flamers who like to play cop.


Edit: Of course, the latest entry has another annoying commedian flame.





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You guys know what?




I'm going to start writing comedies again just for this.


Anon writing comedies? This I have to see. :P



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You guys know what?




I'm going to start writing comedies again just for this.


Anon writing comedies? This I have to see. :P



I actually used to have a few comedies but they were noobish and got erased in the data wipe and after that I tried writing again but could never get inspired to stick with it.

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I'm with the Zehvor.


If this gets out of hand, can I have an unofficial antiVahki outpost in the TLhiblog?



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Sure, although I doubt it will. The Vahki's main entry was pretty much burned to the ground by Brickeens and co, but if it does make a comeback then yes, you can.


Burnmad has his own anti Vahki outpost, and since he's a fellow Zehvor, I would suggest joining there before going to another one.



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I'm already an Anti-Vahki member, but is there like a sign up form? I'll just stick to the banner changing. :)


-Toa Zehvor Kpik

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