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Why I Haven't Been Around

Gukko Force Captain


Honestly, guys, I am drifting slowly away from BIONICLE, and, as a result, BZPower. I cannot tell you how much it pains me to say this, so I'm going to explain it outright.

High school is so much better than middle school, not gonna lie. Here is my schedule:


Honors Geometry. This class is loud, and I really don't like it. I have a C+ in it right now. The teacher scares me. Luckily, my friend Lucas D. is in this class.

Video Production. Besides (thank Mata Nui) Lucas D., I am the only freshman in this class. It is a class where you create videos for the video announcements. The teacher, Smith, (he refuses to be called Mr. Smith) is so awesome and funny and nice. He likes me a lot. My older sister has the same class, but first period, and he likes her a lot too.

Tutorial/Advisory. Weird thing that I don't know if you guys do... but basically a twenty minute period to do what you want, then you report to advisory to hear the announcements and (on fridays) watch the video announcements that I am so proud of. My advisor is my French teacher, Mrs. Tate, and she is AWESOME. She thinks I am hilarious. I actually had no friends in this class, but I have since made friends with some of the (SHOCKER) girls! My worst enemy is in this class, but I just ignore him.

Study Hall. Not much to say...

English. I have this class with one of my greatest friends. The teacher is kind of weird, alright-nice but not a great teacher overall. We enjoy mocking the class. She loves us, which is odd, considering I wrote my first creative writing paper about Chuck Norris. My friend and I collaborated on a video project (premise: make a Greek Tragedy) titled: Fell In Love With A Girl (title and title song stolen from the White Stripes).

Lunch. Lots of friends to talk to here. One of these friends is moving; I will talk about him in a second.

French. For some INCREDIBLY DUMB REASON, there are only five kids in this class. I like it better this way, though. I like all of the kids in this class. It is me, Mrs. Tate, three girls, and another boy. I like all three of the girls, and the boy is very nice.

History. Periods 2, 5, and 6 are the pure greatest in my whole day. Mrs. Tate is great friends with the history teacher, and I like them both a lot. I have quite a few friends in the class, including one who is moving (I'll call him Max.) The teacher's name is Mrs. Bonner, and she is probably (along with Mrs. Tate) the best teacher I've ever had. She is really nice, really funny, and (again) thinks me and Max are hilarious. One of the average assignments we get is a PERSIA sheet, which stands for Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic. We are to write two or three sentences about the topic, then draw or print out a picture. Mine and Max's are always hilarious. We have collaborated on every single history project (since we live so close) and he is overall one of the nicest guys I've ever met. I cannot tell you how sad I am that he is leaving.

Biology. Ehhhhh. Not great, kinda boring. I have made some great friends around here, though.


I will tell you guys more soon. It does feel good to pour yourself out.

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