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Comedies Aren't Funny



Don't work towards 300 words. Let your creative juices flow as they please. If you have to add filler in it to make it larger, writing comedies may not be your thing.


Any comedy with "Ask" in the title has been done before. Don't think it's original just because the character hasn't been used before.


If emoticons aren't necessary to your story, don't use them.


And just a personal rule/suggestion/tip of mine: If there is any sort of joke, and I mean any, that mentions, alludes, talks about, or praises Crazy Frog, I (along with my Hounds Of Killing People That Bring Up Unfunny Things From A Year Ago) will hunt you down. :P


The "What Makes A Comedy" topic is useful, and also, so is common sense. Neither of which will be used often, but...it's worth a shot.


Save The Comedies Forum, Write A Comedy.


Trademark. Or something. Since it's capitalized, it's a slogan.


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What about the three stooges?
What did I say about being painful to watch? It's a physical comedy act with just a very slight hint of story... very slight. *Shudders* I used to watch that, but it's now it won't hold my attention for that long (and probably only for nostalgic reasons at that).


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Good idear. It's better than complaining about it and not doing anything to change it.


My friends, we shall take back the Comedy (or "comedie," in the words of countless newbs) Forum!

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I agree. They're getting duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and... At the moment, though, I'm more concerned about Art 1. Everything is made with that Mata Nui-forsaken Artpad!

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I agree. They're getting duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and duller and... At the moment, though, I'm more concerned about Art 1. Everything is made with that Mata Nui-forsaken Artpad!

Don't get me started on Artpad. Just... don't...


Resisting... urge... to rant...

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I've already written three great (or so I'm told) comedies and I think the key to my success was proper English and a good story. The former is a given- no one wants to read your story if you don't capitalise, use proper punctuation, correct spelling, etc. Heck, I don't even like talking to people who type like that over AIM and MSN. :P As for the story, I had it pretty easy since I was just spoofing the BIONICLE movies and was able to leech off of their story, but if the whole comedy doesn't flow and is just random stuff happening to fifty-odd guest stars, the story gets confusing fast and once again unappealing to read.

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Randomness is too often abused. It's sorta like... eh, I'll figure out a metaphor eventually. Anyway, you can do without it, but if used sparingly and correctly it can add some flavor to your comedy. However used too much and everything stops making sense. On that note, this point of unintentional randomness that has always bothered me: random plots. If all your characters have fallen into an awkward silence, go ahead, have a frying pan fall out of nowhere and smack someone on the head. But I do NOT want to see:


Tahu: I'm bored.

Pohatu: Let's make a restaurant!


Because that makes no sense. To have that come out of nowhere and be the main plot point of your entire comedy is pointless. Besides, you could come up with a whole funny explanation as to WHY they want to start a restaurant. Maybe they're running out of money and they're about to be evicted from wherevertheheck they're staying. Maybe one character is under the false impression that he or she has any cooking talent whatsoever. Maybe their favorite restaurant is going out of business so they had to stop it, so they bought it. The point is, having your characters do something and all of a sudden "Let's go on vacation!" "Okay! Let's go!" just makes the reader confused, and makes the entire premise of your comedy seem absurd.


Pure randomness used in the proper place can be funny if it's random enough. I know a webcomic where now and then there's a non sequitur comic involving a certain character being utterly random, and it's hilarious because it's random enough. Nothing follows at all. It's all about finding the right balance. If things still make too much sense otherwise then it becomes confusing. If it's just a minor event thrown in then it's funny. If the entire thing is convoluted the reader can tell that the intention is that nothing makes sense, so will be amused as opposed to confused.


... I type a lot of long random things.


Anyway, I notice you mentioned the What Makes a Comedy topic... er, there's some good advice in there but quite frankly I don't agree with more than half the posts. In part it could be my own writing sytle, but I think some of the advice given in there serves the opposite purpose: they advise the very things we're complaining about right here.

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I haven't been in the Comedie Forum for a Long Time.....so I don't know whats going on. :P


While you're at it: "Save The Artwork Forum! Ban Artpad!" :P



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I'm planning to make a comedy called ''random comedy generator'' a comedy where...mata nui only knows what happens. and I will follow every rule there is and ever will be.it's a comedy with a different story every episode.

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Er, I'd advise against the word "random" in the title or anywhere else very conspicuous. Once again, rantom is overused: it shouldn't be the premise of your comedy.


And while story-per-chapter is nice, story arcs can also be fun. I had one that lasted, what 20 chapters?

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Nonesense, it's not hopeless; it's just not very hopeful.


I would personally love to see the return of funny comedies, unfortunately, I have to deal with the one that I'm writing instead.

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