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Merry X-mas!



I'm up late...or early depending on your view. Mostly because I'm pumped for the holidays. My mom and sister are flying in for a few weeks, and I'll be making two trips to my grandparents place (which means two X-Mas dinners, not too shabby when your a broke college kid).


A Christmas Story has started it's 24-hour loop on TNT, and my dog is sitting patiently waiting for me to go to bed. But there's a gift for me across the room and I have a good feeling that I know what it is. I've also put up my X-Mas gift to all of you guys in a new chapter for Rebirth. Hopefully there will be more to follow.


Also, I've got some great news that I'm going to surprise my mom with. If you go back to some earlier blogs you may have some idea as to what it is. I can't wait to tell them, as I've been putting a lot of work into it for the last few months.


I probably won't be around today to add anything new to the Fic or to my site (actually that'll probably have to wait until after I get back to my home PC), but I'll be sure to report back with the excitement of the day (as well as the haul) as soon as I can.


So everybody out there, have a great day...regardless of what you celebrate! Take some time to see the family, eat a good meal, and spread the happiness that tends to float around this time of year.


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At least your Christmas entry isn't all "Look what humongous heaps of presents I got this year!" like most of them. Regardless of the fact that my family exchanges presents on New Year's Day, I sure as heck never got entire truckloads like most of these kids. I'm yet again convinced that presents and Christmas are a mondo wrong combo.
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At least your Christmas entry isn't all "Look what humongous heaps of presents I got this year!" like most of them.

I'll probably do a run down of what I got...but it'll hardly be a "haul" as some people have posted. I am surprised these days just how much stuff people can get (entire sets of Barakki?). Back when I was their age I got a few big ones and some smaller stuff. Then a stocking.


I like the sound of what your family does. I wouldn't mind doing something similiar, though for us the gifts thing has turned more into an exchange while we visit with each other. There's hardly the "tearing into boxes and not talking" that I've heard about some families.

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