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Merry Christmas!



Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Hurrah!


No snow this Christmas, but I enjoyed it SO MUCH! I'm here with my family, it's a wonderful holiday, and I feel awesome! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Have a good one, everybody out there! I'm listening to some Trans-Siberian Orchestra music right now, "Wizards in Winter", and it fits the holiday mood well.


I hope you're all with family and friends, in the comfort of your home, and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you all have a good time and are thankful to have a family and home. MERRY CHRISTMAS!


We gave our dad the Monty Python and the Holy Grail Extraordinarily Special Edition DVD as one of the gifts, and he loves it! We're gonna have to watch that some time... Monty Python is hilarious.


I got a bunch of presents, some of them to remain wrapped until I'm over at the house of my cousins on my dad's side of the family, and some to be opened at the house of the cousins on my mom's side of the family. A couple days from now, I'm going to Ohio for a short while.




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Yesterday, my brother and I opened one present, and we're still waiting for everyone else to wake up......................I got Dead Man's Chest and my brother got......................


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"I've gotta jar of dirt! I've gotta jar of dirt!"


Christmas-Tastic UPDATE


Normally, I don't like to brag.............Wait, yes I do!


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...And I stayed up til 11:00 PM without noticing how late it was(caffeine and chocolate does that to you). So I slept in til about 8:30...


HAH! You call that sleeping in? Yesterday,

(er, I think it was yesterday...it's hard to

tell with my sleep schedual) I slept in till

10:00. PM.


Yeah, next time any of you have

a few days off,

try staying up untill ten in the morning without

any sleep while waving your arm around at a

tv screen like a lunatic the whole time,

and then fall asleep on a couch.


I can guarrentee you will be asleep untill at

least eight if no one wakes you up.

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