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Merry Not Christmas!

Angry Nidhiki


Darn, I didn't get that Tickle-Me Elmo I wanted..... :P


So, Merry Not Christmas everyone! Yesterday was great. My parents pretty much ignored my wish list, but I got a new road bike with carbon parts (est. $1000), a new flat-panel wide-screen HDTV, a guitar amp that didn't work, a fake rip-off of DDR built into some light-up toy, and some money.


We're gonna sell the cruddish DDR, and my sister and I are going to put our money together to buy a Wii today. You'd think they'd all be gone, but my mom's friend's brother works for EB Games- he already had everything ready when he told us, while we were going out for dinner last night. YAY!!!!!!


What else-- I hope the amp actually starts working soon.


Okay, everyone, I feel very hurt. I e-mailed news@bzpower.com yesterday, informing them that it was Christmas. But they gave me no credit on the announcement! Now that just makes me mad. They wouldn't know without my help!


See ya. :spinsmile:


P.S. Did you know that the Hard Rock Cafe was sold to Native Americans?


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Merry Not Christmas to you too :P


Tickle Me Elmo :blink:


Well, I got a new Computer with new speakers, mouse, and keyboard, and it happens to be the best available on the market today! It has over a TERAbyte of memory, a graphics card that is 32 times better than the average computer, and can load a few gigabytes of data in less than half of a second!


I also got the BIONICLE Playset Lava Chamber Gate, The LEGO Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer, a 3-D Eifel Tower Puzzle, and around $120 of spending money!



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I'm wanting a Wii more and more every day. :fear:


But since I just got my PS2 in July, I'm probably not going to.

And I don't think I have enough cash anyway....

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I got DDR for my Pee-Ess-Too (PS2). KC is way better at it than me. And my sister plays it, too. She isn't better than me, I swear!

Funny, I never knew you had a sister.


My little cousins got a Wii. Or I mean a Wiiny. XD


KC got me NBA Live 2007. Why did Steve Nash shave his head?!?! I got KC Fifa Street 2. He stinks at, and this girl that loves me is going to have to teach him to play it. XD


Merry Christmas, anyway.

Now I get to have all my friends over for a DDR Party.



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